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  1. L

    Question regarding birthdays and a moral dilemna..

    i always say it's my birthday, every day i'm there. can't go wrong with free/cheap cake. and my button collection is growing quite massive. (is he kidding?)
  2. L

    Going WDW soon? Hide something, tell me where it is, and Ill find it!

    sounds like geocaching, which rocks. a geocache in disney world would be pretty much the best thing ever.
  3. L

    Any Sirius Satellite radio subscribers out there

    this may be true for the broadway channel, but in my experience, the music played on sirius is of a much higher quality than that of XM. course, that could be my own personal taste. by far my favorite station on sirius is alt nation 21 - and there's just nothing comparable on XM.
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