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  1. bouncingfigment

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Review Thread

    Here's my one-word review of the movie: AWESOME!!! I just got back from the midnight showing, and I just loved it. I have so much more to say, just not the energy to say it. My full review will be posted either Friday evening, or on Monday (traveling this weekend - blech). I will say...
  2. bouncingfigment

    Anyone know how they pick people for "additional security screening" at the airport??

    Just in case anyone is interested... From the TSA website:
  3. bouncingfigment

    Anyone know how they pick people for "additional security screening" at the airport??

    I had thought about that, actually. However, my family on my mother's side (the Irish/German side) has been in the U.S. since about the mid-1700s, so the government is really, really going back for any Irish connection. Then again, it could be worse. My two friends' parents are Iranian...
  4. bouncingfigment

    What is your favorite ride/attraction at MGM?

    My favorite is by far Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. It's fast, upside down, but it has no steep drops (which is good, for me). Plus, it has Aerosmith. Pure Heaven on earth!
  5. bouncingfigment

    What attractions have you fallen asleep in?

    I fell asleep on the Universe of Energy as a kid. I was scared ____less by the dinosaurs, so I shut my eyes. It wasn't too long before I was out like a light. When I'm at Disney, I'll let myself fall into a state of deep relaxation (meditation, perhaps). I can do that for about five minutes...
  6. bouncingfigment

    WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests

    I don't care whether you're male or female, 100 pounds or 300 pounds, I don't want to see your bits and pieces hanging out in the parks. I'm fine with a little skin. By all means, avoid the ever-pleasant heat stroke. But leave something to the imagination!
  7. bouncingfigment

    What to do when you're lonesome for Disney???

    I sit on my bed singing "it's a small world" to myself while clutching my old Disney bear. <p> Okay, so even I'm not actually that bad. <p> In all truth, I generally walk through the parks in my head. If I'm stressed out or having trouble sleeping, I'll imagine myself walking down Main Street...
  8. bouncingfigment

    MK Plan of Attack for Three Teens

    Alright, so my two best buds and I have wanted to go to Disney together since we were grade schoolers. They've been a few times, and because I used to live in Florida, I've been to Disney countless times (my mom took me at least every other month). However, since none of us are yet 21 (I'm...
  9. bouncingfigment

    Anyone know how they pick people for "additional security screening" at the airport??

    I don't know what it is with me, but I frequently get selected for searches. Which is kinda odd, because: -I'm a polite, well-spoken teenager -I'm female -I was born and raised in the United States, as were both of my parents. -I'm of Irish/German/Italian/Polish descent. -I don't travel...
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