Does anyone thing that the lights will be extended past 03/01? It seems a lot earlier than previous years. Haven't they usually been up (and on) until at least the marathon?!
I saw a video of this on facebook.
It looks like a really fun show similar to turtle talk and milf, but with singing and dancing!
I can't wait to see it in person. It's sure to be popular.
I have seen Cirque 4 times over the pasy 2 years. Twice in the christmas season, twice over the summer season.
All four times it has been around half full!
For some reason i don't see anything Enchanted coming. It feels like they missed the mark on it. Unless there will be an Enchanted 2 or spin off coming.
Resorts close part of their buildings... so if POP has 3 buildings being used, and they are all sold out, it will appear to be sold out. When in reality there are many buildings just not being used.