Search results

  1. E

    How many Cp's?

    CP's I don't believe there is a limit on how many a person can do...I know someone that has done like 4 or 5 CP's...Hope that helps.
  2. E

    Hair Color....

    Hair Color I am 99% sure that it will be ok and they won't have a problem with it...Hey I know I have asked you this before but what is your check in date again?
  3. E

    Fall 2007 Cp

    RE: Fall 07 CP I am doing the Fall 07 CP and will be arriving Aug. 13th...Do you have a myspace or anything?
  4. E

    Request this day off...

    If I can get it off I will be there...but again it depends if I can get into the program again.
  5. E

    Fall 07 Myspacer's

    Anyone going down for the Fall 07 program have a myspace? If so what is it we should add each other and start to get to know each other now...I am still waiting to be accepted I just had my phone interview today so I should hear from them in about 2 or 3 weeks (hopefully sooner). My Myspace URL...
  6. E

    Other WDWCP information sites

    The message boards are updated constantly whenever someone makes a post.
  7. E

    Other WDWCP information sites

    Hey just wondering who all has other WDWCP Information sites? i know of this one and a really good one at you should all check it out if you haven't. So does anyone have any other sites they like to visit for the WDWCP? If so please share.
  8. E

    address of vista way

    Well here is the address for your apt. I am taking it that you were in building 6 so this would be your address then... 8237 Wesley Manor Court. Apt. 6303 Orlando, FL 32821 Like I said that is the address for Building 6 with your apt. # hope that is what you were looking for.
  9. E

    address of vista way

    Chatham Square's Address It depends on what building you live in, each building has a different address, but for Building 1 the address is... 8161 Chatham Manor Blvd. Apt. # (if you are just looking for directions leave Orlando, FL 32821 out the Apt. #) Hope the helps...
  10. E


    When did you apply to go down? Fall or Fall Advantage? and if it was Fall Advantage when are you going to go down May or June?
  11. E

    i got in!

    Congrats, ya when are you coming down? what program are you doing Fall/Fall Advantage/ or Summer?
  12. E

    The Official WDWMFCP Role Call!

    Operations May 17th 9 days 6 hours and 24 mins until I leave!
  13. E

    Beastly kingdom

    That's GREAT I love it! The question is, what beer is in the keg?
  14. E

    Accepted into CP Fall Adv. 2006 - YEAHHH!!!

    Fall Advantage CP I was also accepted for the fall advantage cp i am in operations and arriving may 17th...
  15. E

    WDWCP Fall Advantage

    Is anyone arriving on May 17th for the Fall Advantage Program???
  16. E

    My First Report On The College Program!!!!!

    Hi Hi All, Hey I just wanted to say congrats to you! I am happy for you that you met did you guys meet here on the website? I hope i can meet someone like you two did...anyways what apt. complex are you living in? Do you like it so far or would you prefer the other one...
  17. E

    My First Report On The College Program!!!!!

    That is awesome, i am glad to hear you are having a blast down there. I am coming down and starting the program on the 17th of May. I am looking forward to coming down and starting the program. I am hoping to live in Vista like it there?
  18. E

    Who All Is Arriving On May 17th?

    I just received my letter on thursday and I accepted it and will be arriving on the 17th of May. I was wondering who else is going to be arriving on May 17th? BTW I will be in operations.
  19. E

    New Fall 2006 CP

    Hey everyone, first time posting but i just wanted to let you all know that i got accepted for the fall advantage '06 program as an operations cast member. Anyone else gonna be down there for fall advantage? if so leave a message and include where your from if you would.
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