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  1. M

    Dining Plan.....Is it worth It??

    I just asked this question on my other thread "How do you do it". Is the Dining plan worth the cost. It seems pricey to me but since we've not been before and since I really want to fly and cut out a 3 day driving trip don't want to lug any more than I have to with us. I mean will we really...
  2. M

    How Do You All Do It???????

    Is the Dining Plan worth it?? When looking at the price it is a bit pricy to me, but as we have yet to visit WDW would the plan save a family of 4 $$$. By the way I started a new thread for this one! Thanks.
  3. M

    How Do You All Do It???????

    Must be the dates that I want. I really wanted to try to go next May during the week of my daughters birthday (hopefully that will earn brownie points later in life during the therapy sessions(jk) ). The prices I am going off of are for this May (07 prices not out yet) just to get a ball park...
  4. M

    How Do You All Do It???????

    I have no idea. Any thing over a couple of hundered is a dent in my pocket hence "How Do You All do It". It alway seems that any time I have tried to save money for something there will always be some money munching catastophy not far behind. Anyway, I have no idea on the ball park for the...
  5. M

    How Do You All Do It???????

    I have never been to WDW before and am activly trying to plan a trip for my family of 4 for next year. I see that most of you have been yearly visitors of WDW experience and am curious as to how you do it. While checking into pricing the average cost of the famed "6 day 7 night" is no where...
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