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  1. R

    Attendence falls at WDW per lastest earnings release...

    My family and I just returned from a week at WDW (Saratoga Springs, DVC members). Only spent 2 days in the parks because my son and daughter have got the 'done that, not again' blues. Universal did benefit at Disneys expense, at least with us. Wound up spending an extra day at the water...
  2. R

    The British are invading!!!

    Don't usually write, just read, but had to make this observation. We just returned from a week at WDW, and could almost swear that 80% of the people we talked to in lines at the parks, and at the water parks, were from England. It must be the vacation season over there. I am not complaining...
  3. R

    First Haircut/Barber Shop Meltdown

    Different story Just to add to the discussion, I am happy to say that my family just returned from a trip to the Magic Kingdom where our first priority was my grandson's first haircut (16 mos.). We called ahead and received an appointment for 1:00 on Monday 10/17. We arrived 20 minutes early...
  4. R

    Favorite Disney smells and hidden spots

    Christmas Shop @ DD Please correct me if I'm wrong. For years, my wife and I always looked forward to going to Downtown Disney and heading straight to the Christmas Shop. The second we opened the door, we would smell the cinnamon and spice. This last year, no smell. When we asked the...
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