Search results

  1. S

    Best Jungle Skipper

    Just wondering who everyone thought were the best skippers at the Jungle Cruise. Babbington is of course a legend but sadly I never got to ride his boat. Personally I've enjoyed Jeff Lessel's and Danger Bob's the most.
  2. S

    Fired Jungle Skipper

    Major Update So I recieved the seasonal housing info in my email about a month ago and I replied...Got a response a week later saying I could not come because I was a restricted rehire. Got an email a week later from the same person now saying that I was eligible to come back and that I was...
  3. S

    Best Jungle Cruise Jokes

    Jokes that will get you fired I only did this one once and it was on a boat of only two guests and they were Jungle Cruise West Skippers (at the african veldt looking at the deer) AWWWWW look its bamby and his mom (FIRE GUN) AWWWW now its just Bambi This joke did get someone fired. I...
  4. S

    Best Jungle Cruise Jokes

    (as loaders are putting people on the boat) Once we are fully loaded here we'll be under way. Thats the best way to see the Jungle, fully loaded. WITH PEOPLE...What do you think this is Epcot?
  5. S

    Best Jungle Cruise Jokes

    I'm looking for the best jungle cruise jokes you've ever heard. I'm not taking credit for any of these as I'm sure they've been used by numerous skippers but here goes (at the african veldt) There is the first rule of the jungle...Survival of the fittest...As shown by the pride of lions...
  6. S

    Fired Jungle Skipper

    Understand that the situation is much more complicated than you think and is not about drinking but instead an international relations issue that involved a Hong Kong cast member. He was a great friend of mine and had he been terminated he would have been 1.Deported and 2.Had to pay back...
  7. S

    Fired Jungle Skipper

    I was a CP in Spring of 05 as a Jungle Cruise Skipper. I did nothing wrong at work but instead was fired because of a dispute with the housing company. I was placed on a restricted rehire status which ended in October. I am going back this go to casting and get my job back. Anyone Have...
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