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  1. L

    Tour Guides

    Hahahah, I'm not a VIP, but I can tell you that if you purchase the tour guide for a family, etc. you don't get to cut lines, the guide can get you fastpasses (but not more than one per hour, or whatever the rule is), but other than that, the only real benefit is if your new to disney and want...
  2. L

    Tour Guides

    Hi, this is my first post, but I have been a disney fanatic since I was a baby. Last week was my third trip to disney w/ a tour guide, and now I have been spoiled rotten. You get to go everywhere in a van, never wait in a single line, and the guides are fantastic. The only problem is, you...
  3. L

    DisneyQuest to close?

    I have the premium annual passes, so I've been to Disney Quest a few times, and every time I feel let down. If they could update it with some newer rides and games, I think it would be a little better. However, I don't think they should replace it with ESPN zone b/c I have also been there, and...
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