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  1. S

    Fantasmic Reopening Watch

    Just get on the Disney app at 6am and make a reservation like any other dining?
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    Fantasmic Reopening Watch

    When can you start making dining package reservations again? This thread is moving fast, hard to keep up lol
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    Fantasmic Reopening Watch

    Where do we find info on the dining packages? I have a dinner reservation for Hollywood Brown Derby for dinner in early December, Would I have to cancel that and book a specific reservation linked to a dining package? Would it possible to just have my current reservation and time converted...
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    EPCOT Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind attraction confirmed for Epcot

    Does anyone have any idea what the height requirement will be for this ride?
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    FastPass+ Most Certainly Not Coming Back As It Was

    And that's exactly what my family and I did this past February. Stayed the week in Universal and only committed two day trips to Disney. There's still a lot to obviously be seen, but with the way the rumors are trending I just can't justify the unnecessarily aggressive business tactics Disney...
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    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    What’s the over/under on reaching 5k pages before we return “back to normal” (or however you choose to word end of the pandemic as a national emergency, no necessarily global)
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    No question. But because of everything you mentioned, Universal is more of a stress free experience compared to going to Disney
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    Every parent knows their child best so it's up to you guys to make the appropriate decision. Some of the rides can certainly be intimidating for a 6 year old or even 10 year old. We did Gringott's and skipped out on the other Harry potter ride as my 5 year old wouldn't qualify to get on. They...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    i'm a dentist and she works part time for me so we got first dibs
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    They both absolutely loved Universal. They’re very much into marvel and grew up on dr Seuss. I’ve also exposed them to the classics from my generation like Jurassic park and back to the future so all the IP there was right up their alley. You have to be sure your kids have a bit of a sense of...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    We actually had a nice meal at Toothsome on our first evening there. Again, IMO the menu wasn't anything overly exciting considering the scope of the venue, but I will say the food was actually quite tasty and everyone enjoyed their menu. I just feel Universal needs to step up their creativity...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    Yes but the point I am making is the following: Don't get BG for Rise that morning and you decide you do not want to go to the Studios then you have to see what else is available to switch your reservation to. What If two of the remaining 3 parks are unavailable that morning? Leaves the...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    I don’t know. The thought of you holding the same apparatus (handlebar) as a few hundred people before you only seconds apart sure does sound fairly potent to spreading germs. IMO it’s no different than riding the subway system in nyc. It may not play a major role in transmission but I find...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    I personally found that the overall food experience and variety at Universal was lacking. I felt as if I was surrounded by different variations of fast food. In some cases disguised by being served in a sit down restaurant and served on a plastic plate. Even citywalk felt lacking but...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    The wildcard in all of this is the rise of the resistance boarding group lottery. As someone else mentioned, if you intend to ride this attraction you really gotta be all in on Hollywood studios when it comes to park reservations. It really takes the flexibility out of your planning for the...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    Couldn’t agree with you more. I’ve stated on a number of occasions on differing threads that Disney has lost its core foundation and appears to be sailing through a storm with no true leadership at the helm. Almost all of their latest decisions appear to be very short sighted and strictly from...
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    Universal Stay with a few Disney Days (trip observations and thoughts)

    I’m currently sitting in MCO waiting on my flight back home to NYC and wanted to share my thoughts regarding this trip while still fresh in my mind. Hopefully it can serve as a perspective for those out there debating on trip options. Background: This was our first trip back to Disney in just...
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    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I think one of the points that isn’t mentioned often (and if it has been I apologize I just can’t keep up with these thread on a regular basis) is the fair possibility that restrictions remain in place even after herd immunity is reached due to the fact that we still do not know just how long...
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    News WDW loses Pop Warner to Universal and Camping World Stadium

    This, the termination of the Magical express, their handling of entertainment to me are just a few examples of an overriding theme that current management has no clue what they're doing and has lost the essence of what made Disney, Disney. It's getting to the point where their operations feels...
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    News WDW loses Pop Warner to Universal and Camping World Stadium

    While I have ZERO objections to them leaving from a guest standpoint, I can't happen but be curious on what the current management is thinking? I'm assuming this is a source of revenue that they are needlessly losing to a nearby competitor. It just feels as if the Disney Ship is sailing...
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