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  1. E

    Go ahead and make PS reservations for December 29-January 1st visit?

    My fiance and I are coming down to Disney for a short trip from Dec. 29th-Jan.1st. Should I go ahead and make PS reservations for some restaurants since that is such a busy time of the year for Disney? If so, what are some good restaurants to eat at that won't break the bank for adults that...
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    Coronado Springs for New Years Eve?

    My fiance and I are going to be making a trip to Disney December 29, 2005-January 1, 2006 to visit my sister who has just started the college internship program. After looking at all the moderate priced resorts, we were most attracted to the Coronado Springs. I was wondering if anyone had any...
  3. E

    Questions for current and past CMs

    Hi! I had some questions for current or past CM's or anyone who might know! Thanks! Kacey 1. Are we allowed to hang stuff on the walls in the rooms? 2. What are some essentials to pack?..besides clothes 3. Are there desks in the rooms? 4. I haven't heard much about what happens after we...
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    Introduce Yourself

    Name: Kacey Location: Lexington, Ky Age: 19..I'll turn 20 two days before I arrive! Major: Undecided...leaning towards sociology Role in the CP: Hospitality..working in one of the resorts! Arrival Date: August 15
  5. E

    Help! Answers needed to questions for Intern in fall!

    Philsfan2185- My arrival date is August 15th
  6. E

    Help! Answers needed to questions for Intern in fall!

    Hi! I'm coming down in August for the fall internship and I had some questions that I was hoping could be answered! 1. Do I need to bring linens for the bed? What all should I it mainly clothes? 2. As far as their dress code goes, does that have to be inforced all the time? Like if I...
  7. E

    Best advice for soon to be CM!

    All Past Cast Members! My sister was just accepted into the 2005 Fall WDW Internship program. I am trying to get some advice together from past CM's to pass along to her. What are good stories or advice you have? What should she definitely do while she's there? What should she stay away...
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