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  1. WDWnahtazu

    Stitch = BLAH!

    That sounds like the response of someone on the defense. Relax, its not like he said "SGE stinks. I'll never go to a Disney park again." He's merely stating what MOST people feel. And despite what anyone with the "lets all pretend disney is perfect" attitude says, criticism is the clearest and...
  2. WDWnahtazu

    Cubs convention 2005

    Maybe your bad luck came from you naturally being a bit of a loser yourself. The Cubs are the most harmless team in baseball. They win, they have a good time. They lose, they have a good time. They arent loud and obnoxioius like Yankee fans. And they arent bitter and angry like White Sox fans...
  3. WDWnahtazu

    iTunes now has Disney Podcast available

    This is the absolute best disney podcast out there. Mousepod's host is a bit boring and he hasnt been consistant with episodes. And i tried the two new ones on iTunes and theyre pretty much just ads. Inside The Magic is pure Disney from an enthusiasts point of view and its got tons of great info.
  4. WDWnahtazu

    What kind of ride is "Stitch's Great Escape?"

    i dont know if i agree. for a typical group with teens, kids grandparents or whatever disney seems more "family" friendly because its a park where you actually want to keep everyone together for the disney experience. Universal is more of a park where once you pass the entrance gate then...
  5. WDWnahtazu

    Disneyland is in AMERICA!

    Maybe you should aim this response toward the people who are feeling disneyland ISNT in america. Anyway, i live minutes away from Disneyland. And if you stroll around this area then it definitely doesnt feel like its in america at all. Which is why Disney was so brilliant in buying such a...
  6. WDWnahtazu

    Mission: Space tragedy

    Wow. Thats sad. But what the heck was up with the way the OP presented the story? IF its true then I think its pretty disgusting how the OP tried to treat the story like some sort of movie spoiler. "I cant tell you the ending, you gotta watch the movie." and "Highlight text for the spoilers"...
  7. WDWnahtazu

    Meet Megan, Of The Top 7 of Disneyland.

    I really dont think these infomercial type shows are aimed at kids. And i know for sure that kids dont lead the group like they do in the commercials. If the kids were in charge then you'd spend the whole day running from one end of the park to the other and eating ice-cream and churros for...
  8. WDWnahtazu

    Disneyland to Los Angeles

    Or just look at post cards and skip LA all together. Doing the LA tourist thing was probably the most disappointing thing ever. I expected an I Love Lucy experience but what I got was really narrow sidewalks filled with homeless people and lots of traffic. It really is Hollywood Magic out there...
  9. WDWnahtazu

    Disney's Iger Has Good Talks with Pixar

    But is that really a "bad" deal for disney? If it is either that deal or nothing then i wouldnt have a problem with it. Honestly, where would disney be without Pixar for the last decade? Stitch may be a success but he's nowhere close to the immortality that Buzz Lightyear has struck. In 25 years...
  10. WDWnahtazu

    Meet Megan, Of The Top 7 of Disneyland.

    Either you're surrounded by women who lie or you've never actually asked. Women are just as capable to appreciate beauty as men are. They just dont obsess over it once the moment passes. Also, it should be noted that "attractive female host" is relative to its environment. Kryssa may be...
  11. WDWnahtazu

    Meet Megan, Of The Top 7 of Disneyland.

    Attractive Male Host - Appeals to women only Attractive Female Host - Appeals to both men and women Unattractive Female Host - Forces you to change the channel A Top 7's job isnt necessarily to sell a product since, as said earlier, we've already paid. So their primary duty is to inform you of...
  12. WDWnahtazu

    Stitch is just awful

    I watched Lilo and Stitch with high expectations since everyone seemed to love the movie. I came out pretty disappointed but i didnt hate the character. But after seeing him so overused I'm at the point where i cant stand him.
  13. WDWnahtazu

    Disneyland Planning DVD?

    I got the DVD. Ordered it off of my TiVo. I'd be embarassed to give a DVD of this quality to my mom let alone millions of disney fans who you're expecting to pay huge prices for a fairly short experience. Youd think they'd hand the project over to someone professional. Or even give it to the...
  14. WDWnahtazu

    Pixar in the Parks

    And disney takes advantage of this to its fullest. I think its actually pretty pitiful that Disney is unable to create memorable characters anymore and have to resort to overusing Pixar. If pixar stuck around then it would be fine, but since theyre on their way out its a bit sad that most of...
  15. WDWnahtazu

    Goodbye Kryssa... hello Stacy

    Looks like Stacy, Erin and Kryssa have competition. Disneyland Resort has their own Top 7 along with a fresh face to judge. Now lets give a warm welcome to Californias latest entry of "hot" Disney hosts... megan. Prepare for the disappointment... Picture 1 Picture 2 (photos by scruffy on...
  16. WDWnahtazu

    Meet Megan, Of The Top 7 of Disneyland.

    Youre not. Considering Disney is so close to Hollywood then you'd think they could get a nice model/actress to host this. Instead it seems we got the director daughter.
  17. WDWnahtazu

    POLL:Kryssa or Stacy?

    I wonder if anti-kryssa threads have gotten word to disney and caused them to dump her. i remember reading more anti-kryssa than pro-kryssa a few months ago so maybe they think theyre doing us a favor. or maybe they just think kryssa is getting more attention than the actual program she's...
  18. WDWnahtazu

    Remember and Parade of Dreams

    whats the best location to sit for remember. i was told that the fireworks can be seen better from other spots than right at the front of the castle.
  19. WDWnahtazu

    Kryssa Lives On!!!!

    i still cant believe we dont have a higher quality copy of the kryssa top 7 yet. time is running out...
  20. WDWnahtazu

    Alien Encounter: Why did it really close?

    I blame it on them going "stitch crazy" too. Disney finally made a non-pixar character that didn't suck so they went overboard and wanted a quick payday. again. It didnt seem to work because the "new" stitch escape doesnt appeal to adults as much as aliens did, and theyve been consistantly...
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