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  1. W

    Disney has built last park in Central Florida

    "Give kids stories. Not plots," what the heck does that mean? They're the same thing. Plot: "The pattern of events" or "main story in a narrative or drama" Story: "An account or recital of an event or a series of events" ( )
  2. W

    What's up with the changes in Stitch's Great Escape?

    This is not a particularly unique thing for a corporation to do for anything ranging from accounting functions to creative development. Disney had in-house computer animators but they also outsourced to Pixar by distributing their films instead of creating their own department from scratch...
  3. W

    What's up with the changes in Stitch's Great Escape?

    For what it's worth, this is not uncommon practice by Disney, and increasingly in the entire entertainment industry. When Disney Theatrical sent Lion King's scenic design out for bid, companies had to agree to give Disney the rights to any patents and all technical drawing generated from working...
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