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  1. Blue8eetle

    Place online to find recordings of Dinoland's "radio announcers"?

    Here's the recording for the Donald's Dino Bash version of the radio announcer. It's not what we were looking for, but who knows? It may be as hard to find in a few years as the original ones were.
  2. Blue8eetle

    Dinoland Characters of Yore

    With it being incredibly unlikely that Dinoland will survive in it's current form for too much longer. I'm trying to collect as much old information about the place as I can while I still can (I'm that kind of nerd). It has actually gone through a lot more change over the years than people...
  3. Blue8eetle

    Place online to find recordings of Dinoland's "radio announcers"?

    Hi World Explorer. Sorry to Dig up a year-old thread, but I'm also trying to find the original audio of the two radio guys. Did you ever have any luck?
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