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  1. P

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    so believe it or not you guys, most rides at Disney do in fact have a cheesy dialog played while you wait in line! Smugglers Run, Incredicoaster, guardians of the galaxy, etc. You guys will take anything you can and run with it to bash this ride!
  2. P

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    This thread lives off Drew The Disney Dude. Our savior.
  3. P

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    This is crazy! It's truly amazing to come onto this forum, to hope to hear the exciting news and rumors about this ride… Just to see the same individuals whining; finding any minute detail to completely bash the entire project/attraction. Signs are going to be the colors they need to be, Dr...
  4. P

    Club 33

    chances are small, but I thought i would give it a shot: Visited club 33 march 3, 2017. I am trying to find a menu of that nights 5 course menu for journaling purposes. I’ve tried searching online and can’t find anything! was hoping other disney fans maybe could help! thanks!! Feel free to...
  5. P

    Club 33 Menu

    chances are small, but I thought i would give it a shot: Visited club 33 march 3, 2017. I am trying to find a menu of that nights 5 course menu for journaling purposes. I’ve tried searching online and can’t find anything! was hoping other disney fans maybe could help! thanks!!
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