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  1. mesaverdes


    I’ve been watching some of his videos! Absolutely phenomenal! Thank you! :-)
  2. mesaverdes


    Thank you so much!
  3. mesaverdes


    I’m absolutely obsessed with it.
  4. mesaverdes


    Thank you! Do you know if he might have any of the aforementioned documents if I were to private message him? Appreciate the link and can’t wait to dive in!
  5. mesaverdes


    I hope this is the right place to post this. Hi! I was just wondering if anyone has any documents related to Spaceship Earth and/or Journey into Imagination? I really enjoyed looking through disneydoc’s horizons document collection and anxiously await any responses that can help! Thank you so...
  6. mesaverdes

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    As much as I’m a fan of the idea of hearing “Are you ready” as you’re lifted to the drop, I don’t really think an original movie book report would’ve worked. Just think about how long and spacious Splash is! There’s no way we could get a book report version without massive stretches of...
  7. mesaverdes

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    I’m so sorry! I get it now! My bad, should’ve directed it to someone who wasn’t being sarcastic. 🫂
  8. mesaverdes

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    1. psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or...
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