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  1. P

    News Availability alerts and date range search coming to Walt Disney World dining reservations

    Are you aware of who you are replying too? By the way the size of your development team is no reflection onto its talent. I’ve witnessed this many a time. Also, I think you mean used to have a service which charged people to get ADRs, that is until Disney saw the niche and decided to...
  2. P

    News Availability alerts and date range search coming to Walt Disney World dining reservations

    this is so true, personas/profiles. They build profiles based on everything you do within their domain, virtual and not.
  3. P

    News Availability alerts and date range search coming to Walt Disney World dining reservations

    I have my doubts any of those sites are established by professional developers. Disney just took advantage of the low hanging fruit that these sites made blatantly obvious. They also finally updated their IDP across the majority of their websites, which put an end to the innovators.
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