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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    Or that the reviewers have fallen down a rabbit hole. Again, you're saying these characters are offending people who don't realize they're being offended.
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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    No, if the problem is only in academia and the Internet, it is academia which has the problem, not Zootopia or Disney. You're applying the wrong framework. There is a major difference between loose "allegory" (vague thematic similarity) and strict allegory, which I think your sources are...
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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    Keep in mind Zootopia was the Best Animated Feature in the African-American Film Critics Association Awards 2016. Also, Disney likely ran surveys about this topic, so any apparent offensiveness is mostly an Internet and academia phenomenon, people watching the movie with the wrong frame of mind...
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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    Wrote that last reply too quickly. This is related: Anyway, Better Zoogether appears to be how animals adapted to different biomes, and how animals and humans are all part of the Tree of Life, so.... I think people are taking a comment park designer Joe Rohde made about the Shanghai...
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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    Starting to get it! :D It's more like Ranger Rick, which is exactly what you would expect in Animal Kingdom.
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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    @TrainsOfDisney, and serveral others who see how this fits, if you think theater-building bugs fit. The characters are more animal than you remember: burrowing rabbits, wolves tracking critters by scent, jaguars who like sleeping up in trees, etc. Also, these characteristics are inherited from...
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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    That's what we've been trying to tell you!:) That would have a lot to do with the movie, unlike with Sing or Robin Hood. See the howling example from above. The Internet is wrong about Zootopia. The Internet is wrong about a lot of things. To reference something @ToTBellHop wrote, the new...
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    DAK “Zootopia” is being created for the Tree of Life theater

    I think people here haven't actually seen Zootopia; they're going off what they've read on the Internet. Zootopia does not look like a city humans would build for themselves. Remember what John Lasseter said at the premiere of Zootopia: "... a movie made by animals for animals" Lasseter. (At...
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    MK Villains Land Announced for Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

    So the address is "Maple Rd." This could mean this is rentention pond work, etc. I did stumple onto an interesting map online from the Orange County Property Appraiser: According to this, the dirt road leading to the canal is technically "Maple Rd," so maybe the project has to do with the...
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    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom Direct link to the permit itself. Links to the exhibits are on page 30.
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    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    Actually, I was wondering if Disney still needed to demonstrate somehow that there were no reasonable alternatives before using the wetlands, even with the mitigation agreement. I thought SFWMD was satisfied with Disney's reasoning on earlier projects, but was putting their foot down now. There...
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    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    From the response letter: (Emphasis mine.) ?! Which document was this from?
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    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    The extension was only for a month, not the 60 days requested. Look at Big Thunder Mountain and the waterway connecting the Rivers to the canal to the lagoon in the background: the walkway to the north of Carsland is north of Big Thunder Mountain. You were (mostly) right the first time...
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    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    The RAI (PDF) requests: Is this normal? I haven't found this sort of language in the other few Disney water management permit applications I looked at for context. EDIT: Typo
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    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    Are you an engineer? This sounds like a strange sort of wishful thinking. For actual hope, some historical context from @Eddie Sotto: And even, in a sense, this:
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    Archives of old forum?

    Is there any way to see posts from the old forums? ... doesn't seem to work anymore.
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    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    Getting off topic, but you know where Villains' land is going?
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    MK Tiana's Bayou Adventure Standby Line and Lighting Lane status

    Looking at LL sales for return times that day, on sale before the day, nothing was being sold for after 7 PM. I think this was planned maintenance, but I'm not sure. I think Disney's app should say.
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    MK Tiana's Bayou Adventure Standby Line and Lighting Lane status

    And BGs stopped at 7:
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