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  1. RunForestRun

    Captain America 4

    This from the guy that makes every excuse in the book for Disney.
  2. RunForestRun

    Captain America 4

    This movie stinks! I won't even watch this on D+ The clip that's going around with Falcon (from the movie) shows that he doesn't know how to fight. A regular tough guy beats him up in it, so what would a Hulk do to him?
  3. RunForestRun

    Re-Do a Retheme!

    Looks fun and informative, which is what epcot is really supposed to be.
  4. RunForestRun

    Disney’s Mufasa - the lion king Disney is the true Lying King. They've been doing it for years, even before things have been released (Obi-Wan). Mufasa is just another one added to the list, they are lying about. We...
  5. RunForestRun

    Disney’s Mufasa - the lion king

    Geez, you people! It's obvious to anyone that this movie is awful. And they used their power and monopoly to force theaters into handing over the big rooms.
  6. RunForestRun

    WaltWiz's Dream Disney Resort - Frontierland

    Very clever backstory. It must have taken sometime to construct all this greatness. Props to you sonny boy.
  7. RunForestRun

    Country Bear Jamboree - Seasonal Overlay Ideas Thread

    I don't think they'll ever do a Country Bear Christmas overlay again. They have a tough time with keeping the regular versions of things going. Let alone an extra one, unless it was simple like a video. Frankly I'm surprised they still do the Haunted Mansion Holiday version. I guess they make...
  8. RunForestRun

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    This could actually be a great land because it seems like it has a lot of different attractions.
  9. RunForestRun

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    I like it, but it doesn't agree with me for some reason. It's like that scene from Dumb and Dumber where Lloyd is on the toilet. That's me.
  10. RunForestRun

    Re-Do a Retheme!

    There's no way they'll do an expansion at Epcot. They don't even want to put rides in half the countries.
  11. RunForestRun

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    I think the Hopper ride could be fun. I'm not sure if Disney wants anything to do with Kevin Spacey though. They'll cancel Johnny Depp and Kevin Spacey before even a trial happens. But they'll wait until after the trial to fire Jonathan Majors whose no where near as talented. Hmmmmm strange!!!
  12. RunForestRun

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    It's cool to see so many of the Classic Disney characters like Mickey and Donald. Resorts and parks as whole need to have some attractions with them. As long as they fit of course like in a Toontown.
  13. RunForestRun

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    I do like the theming for the shops. Theming is really big for me.
  14. RunForestRun

    5th gate anyone.......?

    I'll see it to believe it.
  15. RunForestRun

    The Olympian World of Percy Jackson (Open Brainstorming)

    I actually liked the first movie too. I do think they got the castings completely wrong for both versions though. The only one I liked was the first Percy.
  16. RunForestRun

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    Interesting mix of villains, honestly I'm not sure how I feel about it. But it seems like a very entertaining land, filled with a variety of attractions.
  17. RunForestRun

    Re-Do: The Movie Edition

    Yuck, Disney was doing good back when they were loyal to the source. I hate the Live Action Lion King, but that sucker made over a billion dollars.
  18. RunForestRun

    Re-Do: The Movie Edition

    She is the princess of Atlantis, so she could really be anything. This is a good reason why Disney would want to make a live action version. They can race swap her and not get any flack for it. Any reason to create a female p.o.c and they'll take it. Of course they would probably make her even...
  19. RunForestRun

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    Interesting, I wonder if the theming will continue to be connected like Pirates Cove and Shipwreck Bay! Completely rhetorical, so you don't have to answer.
  20. RunForestRun

    Hybrid Lands: Disney/Universal Edition (join the fun!) (open brainstorming)

    Yeah, I would have liked a different name, but the land is very nice.
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