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  1. lilnps

    Narnia Ride

    I just read on Screamscape about The Chronicles Of Narnia to maybe be the next big attraction at MGM Studios. If so what type of ride should this be. I think that it would work great as something like the Spiderman ride at Islands Of Adventure. You enter into the Wardrobe and are in between the...
  2. lilnps

    POTC II Ship

    Disney was said to have been building a POTC ship out by an island for entertainment for their cruise line. The ship would stop at this location and allow guest to board for a few pic and stuff..SO this could be what they are working on
  3. lilnps

    Trip Question

    Im going to Disney July 15 -22. I ve gone plenty of time before but I went in Late may,early June. I was wondering if anyone has gone the dates I am going this year and could let me know what the crowds are like and any other important information..THANKS
  4. lilnps

    Fast Pass

    I read an article on Screamscape that Universal Studios dropped their version of the Fastpass and you now have to pay $5-50$ to get a pass to go to the front of the lines. What is everyone's thought on this. I've seen this idea before and it seems to turn people away from the Fastpass idea...
  5. lilnps

    Rehab....What do you think?

    With all the rehab that goes on every year at the Disney World Parks, what rides, if any, really need a face lift. And if so, what could be done to these rides to make them 100 times more enjoyable.
  6. lilnps


    It seems over the past couple weeks a lot of rides are either getting rehabs or being closed down. Which rides do you believe really need a makeover or just need to be closed and replaced with something more up to date. Just thought it would be interesting to find out what the people who ride...
  7. lilnps

    URGENT! Disney tickets going to waste...please help

    Ill take them if you need to get rid of them and nobody has asked you for them yet...My girlfriend has never been to disneyworld so that would be a nice gift. If you could email me back or thanks a lot
  8. lilnps

    URGENT! Disney tickets going to waste...please help

    Tickets Ill take them if you need to get rid of them and nobody has asked you for them yet...My girlfriend has never been to disney world so that would be a nice gift
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