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  1. oldkeyw

    IllumiNations pre-show music loop

    I like them both, though it took me a while to warm up to the current one. I see Illuminations 6-8 times a year and I haven't seen the old one since it first went away.
  2. oldkeyw

    New DVC Logo

    It's awful. The old logo was so distinctive and did everything that the new logo is supposed to do, except so much better. The new logo is an undistinguished globe with Mickey ears that could stand for anything. I was furious when I got the member magazine. I've written about and am hoping for a...
  3. oldkeyw

    Advice wanted: Deciding between AKL and SSR

    We love AK Lodge, especially Jambo House because of the beautiful lobby and great lobby bar. It's such a great place to hang out in hot (or in the case of this past Christmas, cold) weather, and we really like the pool area here. We've been to Kidani once and it was okay, but we prefer Jambo...
  4. oldkeyw

    Buying food for DVC Suites

    Another Garden Grocer fan here...we stayed at AK Jambo House over the holidays and this worked out great!
  5. oldkeyw

    Favorite Things about DisneyWorld that have Nothing to do with Rides or Food

    From another fellow RIer and a "townie"... Rides and food are extremely important to me but two favorite things that aren't in these categories are 1. Walking slowly around World Showcase after Illuminations when the crowds are diminishing and Tapestry of Nations music is playing, and 2. Renting...
  6. oldkeyw

    We finally purchased DVC

    Congratulations! We bought in '94 and have bought 6 more contracts over the thing we've ever done. Welcome home!
  7. oldkeyw

    Sales Pitch at BLT?

    If you do the BLT tour, request to see a grand villa. Full-sized two-story windows and unbelievable views!
  8. oldkeyw

    BLT is fantastic!

    We're finishing up a week in 7823, a studio with almost the same view as Mike showed in the original post. The studios are wide but a little more "shallow" than some of the others as the kitchen area is closed off from the bedroom. We have minor issues with the fact that the bathroom door...
  9. oldkeyw

    Top 5 Best Foods at Disney

    Seasoned Beef Rolls appetizer at Morocco. These are unbelievably good. Vanilla Dole Whip Pot Stickers at China counter service at Epcot Tiramasu at the Italy pavilion restaurant Barbeque Ribs at Flame Tree at AK
  10. oldkeyw

    How Many Days for You (part 4)

    20 and counting down until 4 nights at Beach Club Villas!
  11. oldkeyw

    Off site November 25 to 30...

    We stayed at Gaylord Palms at Thanksgiving last year and got a pretty good rate. It's about the closest off-site hotel to WWoS. It's a unique property with an absurdly huge atrium that's worth seeing. Plus they have the "Ice" exhibit open for the holidays.
  12. oldkeyw

    DVC - Free Valet Parking Ends

    Except for maybe Boardwalk, most of the lots actually aren't all that far away. The hotel we're most likely to visit is Wilderness Lodge and that one isn't a bad walk at all. Plus if one person doesn't want to walk, it's easy enough to do drop-off and pick-up. I'm all for keeping dues low if...
  13. oldkeyw

    Can someone explain the pepper market to me?

    What Beckie said. I could eat here for a week. The variety is excellent and quality is pretty good, too. My family loves the wet burrito and I enjoy the asian booth, but the beef and chicken look really good as does the deli selection. Plus the atmosphere, albeit a little busy and noisy, is...
  14. oldkeyw

    August in Disney

    We've gone in August and it's not my favorite time there, but crowds are lighter late in the month and thunderstorm season is calming down. During the height of a sizzling day we'll sometimes hop a bus to a different resort and have a nice air-conditioned meal. This can kill a few hot hours and...
  15. oldkeyw

    Developer Points Incentive for BLT

    Bookings for 2009 are well down and with so many "paper" losses for people right now, it's not a great time for a lot of people to be plunking down $12,000 or more on more points, even if it IS Bay Lake Tower. Hopefully the incentives will keep on coming!
  16. oldkeyw

    When do schools across the US let out for summer?

    Here and in much of New England we go through at least the 2nd if not 3rd week of June, which gets added on to by any snow days. I think we get out the 20th or 21st of June this year. In our district we start after Labor Day.
  17. oldkeyw

    Ever Go Alone?

    I've been there alone for a few days twice and both times I actually tried to fit too much in and ended up being totally wiped out. With another person, I'm more likely to sit down, have a nice meal somewhere of have a beer or two in Epcot. When I'm alone, I never stop for some reason. Still...
  18. oldkeyw


    81 through the Shenandoah Valley and down through east Tennessee to Atlanta is much more scenic, but it's a lot longer from where you are than just taking 95. Once you get through Washington there are not many large places to slow you down, either. Until Route 4 through Orlando of course!
  19. oldkeyw

    Universal Question

    Back to the original question for a moment... My teenage son and I went seperately to both parks and did everything that we wanted without rushing around like maniacs. We spent about 6 hours in Islands and about 8 hours in Studios. We found that Islands was mostly just going from one big ride...
  20. oldkeyw

    Your Favorite Activities Around Your Resort?

    I love bringing a book, crackers and cheese and a beer or two to the South Point pool at OKW mid to late afternoon, watching the activity and chatting with other guests. OKW is also a great place to rent a boat.
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