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  1. stitchrules223

    Valet Joy Riding at the GF?

    One would think that if the woman had a little more sense, she would have checked the mileage on the vehicle...that would have probably been a telltale sign as to whether or not it was driven further than it should have been. I wonder if Disney sent her the tickets and the gift voucher before...
  2. stitchrules223

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 4)

    Thank you all for the comments and such! I was surprised to get such a good shot of the gourd "earning its ears" at the Living with the Land ride. There are a lot of awesome pictures here, and here is mine for today:
  3. stitchrules223

    Did I Really Just See Disney World?????

    Here's one that I got to observe on my recent trip to WDW, this instance happening at Epcot: I was walking more or less within the World Showcase promenade (from Mexico) when I noticed a quite disgruntled mother walking next to her son, with her teenage daughter and the father in tow. The mom...
  4. stitchrules223

    Did I Really Just See Disney World?????

    I'm glad I got people to laugh, and it is sad to see some of the very shocking stories about people beating their children and the like. I have also realized that I probably should have chosen a shorter username...^_^
  5. stitchrules223

    Did I Really Just See Disney World?????

    This isn't really something I saw, but it is something that happened to me... it's pretty goes: One time, at the age of 16 (about 5 years ago), I rode the bus to DTD, during a summer trip. I was wearing one of those "handkerchief" tops, the ones that tie in the back in two...
  6. stitchrules223

    bad thunderstorms 6/26 - monorail story

    :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL: ...I just about fell out of my chair from laughing at this...
  7. stitchrules223

    Unique hidden item in Disney Movie - Cinderella Castle

    Neuschwanstein? Upon analyzing a different picture of the DVD cover for the movie, I noticed that while the coloring is very similar to Cinderella castle, its structure bears resemblance to Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, which Cindy's castle is based off of. I could be very wrong, but it...
  8. stitchrules223

    Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)

    This one happened to me in the summer of 2004. I was off by myself, heading to Downtown Disney. It was a particularily hot day, so I decided to wear a top that tied in the back, kind of like a "handkerchief" top (the ones where you can't wear a bra with them on...). So I'm riding the bus...
  9. stitchrules223

    Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)

    I must have been about 5 or 6, and was staying at the Contemporary resort with my family. It had been a busy day, what with going to the parks and what not, so like any other child I was rather exhausted and had a bit of an upset stomach. Well, my grandmother is taking my younger brother and I...
  10. stitchrules223

    Whose going in May?

    I'll be there May 27-June 4. :sohappy:
  11. stitchrules223

    What's Something You've Never Done?

    I never went on Alien Encounter or anything in Wonders of Life before they closed, and hopefully I'll get to experience Wonders of Life, espcially since AE is gone for good. Also never been on RNR, Star Tours, Dinosaur, Mission Space, or Test Track, although I plan on going to RNR and Test...
  12. stitchrules223

    Figment Question

    Actually there is a small but often unnoticed tribute to Dreamfinder in the current JII. As you are riding through the area where there are the different doors for the labs, there is one that has the name "Dean Finder" or something to that effect (can't quite recall at the moment). I thought...
  13. stitchrules223

    Lights Up on our Favorite Dark Rides!

    I can remember one time when I was riding Splash Mountain we came to a stop right before you enter the Laughing Place (the beehive/gopher area) and we were stuck there for about 40 minutes. I had been stuck like that on a ride before, but this one stands out, because this guy and his family in...
  14. stitchrules223

    The Haunted Mansion

    Casey, the hiddden Donald that I know about (I did not know there was more than one-someone has to fill me in on the other one) is on an armchair. As you are on the ride during the endless hallway scene, there is an armchair that is a deep red and has abstract white lines on the back of it. If...
  15. stitchrules223

    The Haunted Mansion

    I have to say that I think my favorite part of the Haunted Mansion would be when you descend backwards right after the ballroom scene. It is quite a unique sensation (and yes I know it's like that at SSE as well, but it's not quite the same). The main song also is a favorite of mine-I'll get...
  16. stitchrules223

    Hidden Mickey

    Is this supposed to be a trick question? :lookaroun Like hcwalker I also found a few rather minute possibilities, but I would like to know where it is (if it's there). I must say that I don't even recognize the mural, and I've been to WDW many a time, so where is this mural located?
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