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  1. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Been super busy the past few days but we decided to cancel our trip. I know things would’ve been fine for us at WDW. But I just keep hearing from friends of friends of friends and how recovery is just taking so long in the hardest hit areas how there’s so much recovery movement across the state...
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    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    If you do come,Are you driving or flying? If you’re driving I will definitely fill up with your supplies and bring it with. Things like diapers formula or whatever you need for your kids. In this day and age it’s crazy how items just all of a sudden are hard to come bye
  3. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    If WDW just closes parks reservations for new ones, they should be ok.. Has anyone been able to make a new reservation this weekend? Seeing airports are closed and the east coast is in IAN's path ( those driving wont) I can see many just cancelling.
  4. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    It could be they need to access and check the runways. My gut feeling is if there is tons of flooding or excess water, the ground below the runways are comprimised and they need to handle landing jets at all weights. even if from above they are not flooded,, could be whats underneath an issue...
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    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Oh thank God! need to check Twitter now
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    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    OMG need to vent on how horrible humans can be. I don’t know if any of you have heard about this woman on Twitter who’s getting tons of PR looking for her mother who didn’t evacuate on Fort Myers beach. Here’s her Anyways poor lady Is now also a victim of a possible scam. I’m attaching a...
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    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    From what I read and heard on the news whoever was under mandatory evacuation was given the opportunity to go to a free shelter. I believe even sheriffs were going door to door trying to get people out. I am pretty sure that someone wanted to have help they would get it. It comes down to people...
  8. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Whoever said you don’t trust anything with the word “national“ in it. I have to give you credit for the below if this is how our national guard is dealing with the current situation. you ‘d think they figure out water levels
  9. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    And if my memory serves me correctly. The one high liner I spoke to said they drive all night from CA. And I believe in the end weren’t really needed
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    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    s During Dorian I don’t recall seeing so many crowds by the food courts like I’ve been seeing on Twitter for this one. I know the lobby was full with people checking in. But when I walked over to the conference center where they were showing movies and activities. the food court was kind of...
  11. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    My God you are correct! I’m so out of it! The whole Covid years put a fog on my Disney trips memory before. We were actually in WDW right before Irma came too. I don’t recall if the airport closed then or not but I know we were on a flight out the day before. And I recall parks were very empty...
  12. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    If the parks open and people come I wonder if "supply chain" can keep up very short term. I can't see trucks/amazon/UPS making deliveries for anything the next few days. I4 is closed for one. Food deliveries etc... right now there is so much other essential deliveries that will be needed soon...
  13. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Fort Myers Pier gone.. and all blgs just off. and a house floating in the bay
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    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Sanibel has most building standing that the reporter expected.. so not leveled as many feared.. at least the section they were showing just now. Fort Myers beach looked actually worse
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    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    I am watching the live chopter... I couuld cry.. Fort Myers beach is destroyed. any home on stilts. the old cottages gone. If anyone stayed there; fear for the worse..
  16. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Live chopter... heading over to sanibel
  17. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    I posted a link above.. Great live coverage and love the crew reporting locally for Lee Cty area.. Highly recommend.. My home office day is not productive today.
  18. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    We were at Coronado in the new Tower during Irma.. I will never forget the lines of locals checking in.. they were saying power never goes out at WDW so that is why they are coming.. Most were not from evact zones.. Seems most just wanted A/C for their animals. Anyways one young woman a college...
  19. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Wow watching live ABC local news on youtube.. The female anchors are having a hard time not bursting into tears
  20. M

    Hurricane Ian expected to impact Florida (updates and related discussions)

    Wow that Sanibel Causeway is destroyed. it's bigger than that one section that broke off initially show on twitter. there's two big sections broken off and a long strip bascially under water... for locals what was there before this causeway was built? Ferries?
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