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  1. L

    Booking Fast Passes for a group

    I am coming to WDW with 12 family members in May. I have been tasked with booking the group fast passes. I have a couple of questions: -I arrive May 9 so my Fast Pass booking day is showing March 9. the remainder of the group checks in May 10. We are all linked so can I book everyone on March 9...
  2. L

    Please help with schedule and logistics! Part 1- Animal Kingdom

    Sorry first post- should I include more info?
  3. L

    Please help with schedule and logistics! Part 1- Animal Kingdom

    Hello! As my FP booking date gets close and my due date gets closer I figured I need to try and get my rough agenda laid out since I may not have much free time to plan with a new born! We are coming to WDW May 9-15. Will be traveling with large family group for inlaws 50th. My biggest...
  4. L

    Poly vs Contemporary.

    If we stay at the Contemporary, can we use the pool at the Poly during our stay? I know you can hope between resorts for food but not sure for amenities?
  5. L

    Changing hotels during stay?

    Hi, Just wondering if this is worth the trouble? We are booked at the Contemporary Resort for a trip in May. My inlaws are footing the bill. My family would like to come one night early and are not thrilled with the $400+ price tag. I was considering staying at a Value resort for the first...
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