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    WB Studio Tour London vs WWoHP

    Definitely worth it because it's essentially a completely different thing, the Studio Tour isn't particularly about immersion its about how the film was made and putting you in the place they were actually filmed. Different thing but definitely worth it. (Warning though while its relatively...
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    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    You could hear fireworks going off when they just showed projections so that's probably where the lack of pyro complaints are coming from.
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    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    I enjoyed it, the friends and villains segments I felt were very well done. The Finale of Wishes had more of an impact for me but then again you couldn't get a true impact of it from the stream due to their determination to have close ups of the projections throughout. A very reasonable effort...
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