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  1. R

    Hurricane Irma

    I think I remember the parks shutting at 1pm-ish and we were basically on lockdown until the next day. Real quick turnaround to clean up it was more operational stuff like people not able to fly home. Definitely not a good sign if they are planning a longer closure.
  2. R

    Hurricane Matthew

    We were in Hurricane Charley in 2004 staying at CBR when it struck on our penultimate night there. Disney are extremely prepared for every scenario and had timelines and communication for everything it seemed. Obviously coming from England we were reliant on a flight home (Which ended up as a 56...
  3. R

    my FP+/Memory Maker etc experience

    New to the board so apologies if there is a thread on experiences of this! Just returned from WDW (Feeling the jetlag) and it was our 1st time using the FP+ and Memory Maker etc. Disney app = fantastic I thought. Helped you figure out where to head and useful for one party member who hadn't...
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