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  1. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    Abuse of handicapped plates is very wrong, but it doesn't have anything to do with how expensive the cars are. Plus, you really can't tell by looking who needs the spaces and who doesn't. There are any number of legitimate disabilities that qualify for special parking but do not require any...
  2. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    I know this is off topic but . . . what difference does it make what kind of cars are parked in disabled spaces? Disability doesn't afflict only the poor. Most disabilities that require a hangtag don't require a car with adaptive equipment. I don't understand why any tv station would bother...
  3. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    That I don't know. I imagine they might supply evidence in court, plus maybe they have evidence that the GAS caused longer waits or interrupted rides too much or whatever. But I haven't seen anything other than anecdote. Maybe someone else has?
  4. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    Answering though I'm not parentsof4 . . . Personally, I'm not sure. On one hand, maybe it weakens Disney's position because having a more permissive policy in the past proves that a more permissive policy is possible. On the other hand, maybe it strengthens their position because all the fraud...
  5. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    That experience must have been very stressful for you! I'm so sorry to hear that a crazy lady put you through all that.
  6. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    Whoa, someone with a fake service dog took you to court? Did she think no one would find out, or did she not know what a real service dog is?
  7. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    I'd like to thank you and Gomer for giving specific examples of why the GAC could help in ways that the DAS might not. It still seems to me that DAS is reasonable, but I have a much better understanding of how the GAC helped families of autistic kids now.
  8. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    Maybe the person with a HC space has a heart condition and can't walk the whole way but wants to walk a little bit of the trail. Maybe the person with a HC space wants to get out of the car and greet a friend who just finished the trail. Maybe the person with a HC space actually can navigate a...
  9. MarthaMartha1

    Florida commission: Disney discriminated against autistic visitors

    I think dealing with the consequences of abuse (if they went back to the GAC) would also count as an administrative burden for Disney.
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