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  1. JShkNBak

    Sick and leaving in two days!

    We learned the hard way our last trip that any sign of sickness go to the doc and get a perscription for Tamiflu. My parents got the flu right before our big family vacation in March, so the rest of us rushed to the doc to get Tamiflu and we never got it. My parents did have to stay at...
  2. JShkNBak

    Tipping at Japan restaurant

    Huh...interesting....thanks for the info. Yeah, it would just seem a bit weird to me to be like, ''hold on, let me put my fork down and reach in my pocket to get you some cash..." I donno, but I guess im not really used to eating at a place where they make the food infront of you like that!
  3. JShkNBak

    Tipping at Japan restaurant

    We just got back a few weeks ago from a wonderful time down in Disney with my husband, his sister and her husband. We went to Japan one night for dinner and enjoyed it so so much, but we have a bit of a debate going on….is a person supposed to tip the chef after they prepare your dinner? My...
  4. JShkNBak

    Mini trip report!

    All ive gotta say to that is my 'wasted' time is their 'wasted' dollar...every second im standing in that line waiting to get on that bus, Disney is losing out on me spending my money...with that said, theres the extra money to support the disabled having their own buses. By the disabled having...
  5. JShkNBak

    Mini trip report!

    We just got home last was a good time had by all, of course! Except, last night on the plane ride home about mid-flight I started getting stuffed up and by the time we got home I crashed on the couch and officially now have a cold...blah. Anyway, we had a super fun time. Got up...
  6. JShkNBak

    Leaving tomorrow

    You too!!!
  7. JShkNBak

    Leaving tomorrow

    20 hours, 42 minutes, 30 seconds, 718 miliseconds Not that im counting or anything....:lookaroun I cant wait to see all the Christmas decorations!!!
  8. JShkNBak

    MVMCP Dec. 21st close to selling out?

    Approx how many do they sell for each night?
  9. JShkNBak

    Anyone gonna be in WDW this weekend?

    Ill be there Fri-Mon!! Whaoo...I cannot wait to get outta this frozen tundra!! 45 as lows at night sounds like a heat wave to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. JShkNBak

    DME Trip Time

    About how long has it taken most people to get from the airport to their resort using DME?
  11. JShkNBak

    Small Brush Fire after Illuminations

    I was there a couple of years ago standing outside of Italy and a firework that was supposed to shoot out the top of one of the pilars or something went array and hit someone..."suits" were coming out of the woodwork! I dont know if I was more in shock from the firework or watching workers come...
  12. JShkNBak

    Buying Tickets Before the Trip

    Hey All, My husband and I have bought Annual Passes for the past couple years so we are kinda outta the loop on regular day passes, but I thought I remembered that the last time we purchased day tickets we got a discount if we ordered them online before we left...I just went onto the WDW...
  13. JShkNBak

    I'm there in four days!!!

    Nope, no mistake!!! Just like the restauraunt Panera Bread is PANTERA Bread....
  14. JShkNBak

    I'm there in four days!!!

    Yes we are going to go see the Ozzy Osborne lights first thing Friday night....then we'll have dinner at the Sci Fi. Saturday we are going back to MGM to see the parade because we arent sure we are going to be able to see it in time on Friday, then walk from MGM to Boardwalk then to EPCOT for...
  15. JShkNBak

    Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

    I love how the parents are mad at WDW....control your kids and maybe this wouldnt have happened!!
  16. JShkNBak

    I'm there in four days!!!

    Sounds like youre doing a short trip too! Friday- MGM in the afternoon and then Pleasure Island at night Saturday - MK in the morning, MGM in the afternoon and EPCOT at night for dinner and fireworks. Sunday- Animal Kingdom in the morning, EPCOT for dinner and VMCP at night. We like to...
  17. JShkNBak

    I'm there in four days!!!

    Wahoo im there on Friday!! We went last year around this time and lines were ok...not as good as they were when we went the week right before Thanksgiving. We didnt schedule MVMCP on Friday knowing that it would be busy, so we are going Sunday night, hopefully that will be better and hopefully...
  18. JShkNBak

    So Tempted

    We planned our trip for next weekend just two weeks ago. We didnt feel in the Christmas spirit so we felt like the best place to get in that spirit is Disney World! Long long ago we used to stay off property at like a Radisson or something (this was when there were only a couple Disney...
  19. JShkNBak

    Food you MUST have at every trip to Disney!!!

    PB&J Malt at Prime Time. :slurp:
  20. JShkNBak

    Chnages on Disney Buses

    We were just down there for 3 weeks in Oct and we never heard one peep of music on the buses!!! Hopefully when we are there again in a couple weeks we will be able to see what ya'll are talkin about!!
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