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    Best Android Phone for MDE app?

    Would I be able to transfer my current NET10 phone number to one of these phones? I'm kind of attached to it lol.
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    Best Android Phone for MDE app?

    Awesome! I can't wait to get it and use it as my "vacation" phone at Disney World!
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    Best Android Phone for MDE app?

    I have NET10, but I'm willing to switch if I can find something. I found a Verizon prepaid phone- Moto G ....... does anyone know if it will work? My current phone doesn't have Android 4.0, so it looks like I need to upgrade lol.
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    Best Android Phone for MDE app?

    I am planning my first trip to Disney World, and would love to have this app on my phone. Only problem is that the current android phone I have is not compatible with the app. I am looking at buying another month to month pay as you go android phone, but would like one that I can use on my trip...
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