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  1. JillC LI

    Ticket questions

    Can't the OP get FPs as long as he has tickets even if they are no PH tickets? You can only book your FPs for one park per day in advance anyway.
  2. JillC LI

    Advice for Storybook at Artist Point ADR

    If I'm not mistaken Touring Plans has a feature that will help you find openings.
  3. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    8m outdoors Saturday. 4m on TM Monday. 3m on TM tonight. Getting a cold. Hope I can fight it off since I'm supposed to fly to visit DS at college this weekend.
  4. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Watching it fall is nice but shovelling it afterwards sure ain't!
  5. JillC LI

    Wonderful restaurant owner takes entire staff to Disney World!

    Well that's one way to inspire loyalty among your staff!
  6. JillC LI

    Epcot now selling giant multi-layered cotton candy!

    It looks beautiful but I'm not sure I could force myself to spend $15 on it if they don't accept snack credits.
  7. JillC LI

    Switching FP+ Times?

    I wouldn't bother trying to get a FP for such an early time. That's when crowds are the lowest so you would do better to take advantage of that time for standby rides and save your FP for slightly later in the day.
  8. JillC LI

    Do you get park tickets when you book in hotel?

    If you book your hotel stay as a "package then it will include the dining plan for each night of your stay and it CAN include park tickets for however many days you want, but you pay for them as part of the package so you are not getting them for free. Air fare has nothing to do with it.
  9. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    4m on TM.
  10. JillC LI

    First Trip Ever December

    I agree. 2-3 days DLP and the other days Paris!
  11. JillC LI

    Disney Springs Date Night Logistics (Homecoming vs Morimoto)

    1-I would say yes. 2-We enjoyed Homecoming very much in December. The food was delicious and the ambiance nice but casual. Our server left something to be desired but I don't hold that against the restaurant as a whole.
  12. JillC LI

    Lets talk about the weather

    This. Don't let the rain deter you! It usually passes quickly.
  13. JillC LI

    December 8th-14th crowds?

    We were just there December 20-24, 2018. Yes it was crowded but with good planning of FPs and early arrival everyday, we never had a problem. Only one day was super crowded at DHS. The rest were quite manageable and not uncomfortable.
  14. JillC LI

    You can have any WDW meal/food item RIGHT NOW, no matter where you are. What is it?

    I was gonna say Dole Whip Float, but I'd prefer those pancakes right now too. Maybe a side of the strawberry compote from the tonga toast. I'll skip the sausage and coffee.
  15. JillC LI

    App or Website?

    Whichever one is working at the time. I prefer the web site if I have a choice.
  16. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Welcome to the board. We've got a great mix of folks here who can give you all different types of advice. Congrats on your milestone. As for me, 6 miles on Sunday before the snow.
  17. JillC LI

    Possible First Trip Questions

    We stayed on the outskirts of Paris and took the RER there for a day trip in July. We got there before park opening and accomplished everything we felt was important to do before leaving - not everything of course but the highlights.
  18. JillC LI

    Beach resort vs. Yacht club

    Sounds like my sister's family. I think they're nuts, but they enjoy themselves so to each her own! We do Disney commando style and while we don't return home as well rested as they are, we are all happy.
  19. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    3.5m on TM last night. Neck is fine now, thank goodness.
  20. JillC LI

    Universal Studios Florida vs Islands of Adventure

    Those rides (including Gringotts) are the reason why I prefer US. Oh, and while I hated Transformers, I liked Fallon.
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