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  1. JillC LI

    Strategy needed for possible January visit

    I was about to say NY but we just moved to Austin a few weeks ago, so that's the correct answer. LOL.
  2. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    This is true. I always loved running while my husband and kids biked (but mine were older than @dreamfinder 's). And my dad accompanied me on his bike for all my long weekend runs when I was training for the NYC Marathon. It was a special bonding time.
  3. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    LOL, this is what happens when I try to run with my dog. She either runs much too fast for me to keep up, or she suddenly comes to a dead halt to sniff the grass or a leaf or whatever. It's impossible. I probably should've hired someone to train her to run better with me so I could enjoy her...
  4. JillC LI

    Strategy needed for possible January visit

    So there is a slight chance that DD18 and I will be able to make a quick trip to CA in January which would include 1 day at each DLR park. We are not interested in visiting SWGE and would appreciate any advice on how best to avoid those crowds if this trip comes to fruition. We've been to DLR...
  5. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    6m Saturday morning - brutal heat and humidity. 3.5 on TM yesterday.
  6. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Sounds like everyone is managing with the heat. Same here with early runs and my treadmill which now has a TV in front of it. I'm so happy to be rid of that awful TM I had for the last 2 years in NY and back to the brand I loved before that (Horizon). Sorry you have to deal with that. You...
  7. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Hi y'all! Sorry I've been out of sight for the past almost-month, but life has been crazy with our move from NY to TX. But I'm finally settling in and have at least a few spare minutes to play around on the computer. We're very happy here but it's definitely a big change. Since this is the...
  8. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    8 uneventful miles outdoors early Saturday morning. Then out of nowhere, pain that got increasingly worse and worse in the outer part of the top of my foot in the evening until I was completely unable to walk on it! Stress fracture???? I elevated and iced it and it felt better the next day...
  9. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    3.5m on TM last night.
  10. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    3m on Thursday night. 5m on Saturday morning.
  11. JillC LI

    News Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Disneyland opening reports/reviews

    This has been my thought since first seeing pictures of the land. Dreary looking. Not fun like Toy Story land or beautiful like Pandora land. Not Disney-esque. Perhaps it is appealing to Star Wars fans, but it appears dreary to the rest of us as well as difficult to navigate if you don't...
  12. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    7 miles Saturday morning. 6 miles Monday night (only planned to do 4 but it was such gorgeous running weather outside I didn't want to stop).
  13. JillC LI

    DLP Coasters

    Definitely not like Everest. I hate Everest because I can't stand drops, but I enjoy the speed and swirls of RNRC. I could've sworn there was a launch in Paris but maybe I'm remembering that wrong.
  14. JillC LI

    Thinking about honeymooning to DLP. Thoughts?

    I'm not sure. We were there on July 4th which was obviously not a holiday in France but it was summertime. It was crowded but doable. We only spent one day total in both parks. We were there before rope drop, did the Studios in the morning and DLP in the afternoon. Obviously we couldn't do...
  15. JillC LI

    DLP Coasters

    I felt like both BTMRR and RNRC were more intense in Paris than WDW, but I was able to tolerate both despite being a rollercoaster chicken. Hyperspace was closed when we were there.
  16. JillC LI

    Thinking about honeymooning to DLP. Thoughts?

    I've been to DLP and loved it. That said, I would not make it my main honeymoon destination. I would make Paris the honeymoon destination and then spend 2-3 days at DLP. The City of Paris is definitely more romantic than DLP.
  17. JillC LI

    Disneyland AFTER WDW

    After several trips to WDW, we visited DLR as part of a longer trip to California. I definitely recommend seeing other sites in the area while you're there. As for DLR, it's a great pair of parks, smaller but more packed with rides. I liked using the traditional paper FPs again. And the CS...
  18. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    4m outdoors last night. Nice weather. Heal quick!
  19. JillC LI

    Memories of your first visit to WDW.

    Approx 1979 (10 years old): 1 - If You Had Wings - loved it 2 - Seeing Brer Fox standing perfectly still, thinking he was a statue, approaching him, and having him suddenly jump at me and scare the begeezus out of me! LOL
  20. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Austin. And welcome to this section :)
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