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  1. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    I'm still here! Enjoying some cooler weather runs (40s and 50s and 60s depending on the time of day I go out). Started breaking in a new pair of running shoes and after two weeks I'm still having some aches and pains. Its a new brand (Asics) since my original brand (Nike) stopped making the...
  2. JillC LI

    The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man vs Transformers: The Ride 3D

    We all thoroughly hated every second of Transformers and had headaches and nausea afterwards. Spiderman has always been fun and enjoyable.
  3. JillC LI

    QS at Either Park or City Walk?

    We felt that the Three Broomsticks was well worth the wait.
  4. JillC LI

    I am not going back to WDW until...

    Forget the list of what Disney makes available. I am not going back until there is close to herd immunity (i.e., 70% of the US vaccinated against or had COVID-19). Sadly, I realize this means I will not be back at Disney for a very long time, but my health requires it. Hopefully by then, all...
  5. JillC LI

    Honeymoon in October

    Should be wonderful. Can you rent a car to get around the distance issue?
  6. JillC LI

    Delux moderate or Value? Help

    We stayed at a deluxe (Boardwalk) once and it was great being walking distance to EPCOT and DHS. However, given your choice, I'd definitely go with the 5 free nights at a mod. Our fave is POR but since it's closed, we also loved CBR as long as we had a rental car so we could drive quickly to...
  7. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Hi everyone. Just playing a bit of catchup on here. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I started out 2021 like I do every year - with a run that is unusually long for me. This year it was 11.1 miles, and I was pretty pleased with myself considering I hadn't gone more than 8.5 in the...
  8. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Hi all. Still doing my 3-4 mile weekday runs (twice) and 7-8 miles (once) on the weekends. Played tennis with DS for the first time in over 35 years the other day and every muscle in my body was in agony the next day. LOL. Funny how you can be in shape for one sport and so not in shape for...
  9. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    I'm old fashioned - I use a hand written running journal. LOL Sometimes pain in that area isn't full blown shin splints but tightening of the muscle due to running form which can eventually lead to shin splints. When I get pain there while running it usually means I'm being lazy about lifting...
  10. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Hi all. Still here. Still running. Same schedule - about two 3.5 mile runs midweek and one 7-8 mile run on the weekends. But last weekend I did my first virtual race, and I did it with DD who is away at college. It was called the Pickle Run (motto - "I'm Kind Of a Big Dill"! LOL). The...
  11. JillC LI

    Longest you have gone between trips

    Well 30 years if you count the time between when my parents took me at age 8 and the time I took my own kids at age 38 in 2007. LOL. But since 2007, the longest I've gone without visiting SOME Disney park is now (was last there in December 2018) and I suspect it will be MUCH longer before my...
  12. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Hi all. Checking in again :-) Still following my normal protocol of 3 runs per week: two are 3-4 miles and one is 6-8 miles. This weekend I ran 8.5m and felt strong enough to continue quite a bit longer in the refreshingly cool air but decided not to push it because running these local hills...
  13. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Still here and enjoying the updates. Temps are finally cooling off a tad here which is nice. You folks running non-virtual races are brave - I'm to nervous to even do training runs on the same trail where other people are running without masks. I only run around my neighborhood these days...
  14. JillC LI

    Should I cancel since there's no FP+, fireworks, limited dining, etc.? When will it return?

    It's a personal choice. I wouldn't travel anywhere for quite some time due to safety, but I certainly wouldn't spend the same amount of money at WDW to get so much less. Don't get me wrong, I miss Disney terribly, but I won't return until it can be close to what it was for me. But to answer...
  15. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Hi all. No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, and yes I am still running. Been pretty hot here but it's finally getting a bit more manageable. I consistently stick with my three runs per week - two of them between 3 and 4 miles, and one of them between 6 and 8 miles. I'm slower than...
  16. JillC LI

    The Splash Mountain Appreciation Thread

    Splash Mountain is a classic that I've always enjoyed. But the ride is not going anywhere, just the theming. While I may miss the original theming (as I do with POTC), I understand and support the reason for the change. Everyone can still get their big fun, wet drop at the end.
  17. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    I'm in the suburbs of Austin, TX. Hope you didn't have any hurricane damage. My mother on Long Island said power on much of the island is still out. Lots of trees down but luckily not at her home. Still getting up at 5:45am if I want to run outdoors as most days rise to over 100. Shorter...
  18. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Ankle still seems fine (knock wood). Been doing a long run of 6-7 miles each week (which is about further I can go from sunrise until it is too hot and humid) and two smaller 3.5-4.5 mile runs each week. I wish it was safe to go back to my trail around the lake but it is still too crowded...
  19. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    After a two week hiatus my ankle did in fact heal by itself. I did the first few runs with my old brace, but it really seems fine. I wonder what I did to it. Anyway, it's been over 100 degrees nearly everyday for weeks. I got up at 5:45am to get in 7 miles today when it was still bearable...
  20. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    I've only run once in the last 2 weeks. My ankle started acting up out of the blue and I could barely walk on it for a few days. I don't recall injuring it, but I have a long history with that ankle - two sprains in the 1990s and surgery in 2003. It's been improving a lot so I've been trying...
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