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  1. Bravo 229

    Any US/IOA ticket discounts going on?

    If you're a Florida Resident check the UO website, they have special resident ticket deals available online.
  2. Bravo 229

    Do you know people who don't enjoy Disney World?

    I usually go to the parks with my family (we're seasonal passholders), and while they claim they "enjoy" going, a couple of them always want to leave the parks after we've been there only an hour - and we never get there until the afternoon or evening. They won't stay around to watch the...
  3. Bravo 229

    Man injured on Dragon Challenge.

    I was at the park on Saturday and there was definitely no "dueling." I rode the Fire dragon and we sat there for almost a minute after Ice dragon was dispatched before we were sent on our way. I had never seen the cars sent that far apart before, and I was puzzled as to why the other car...
  4. Bravo 229

    A few questions

    Since it has reopened, they have been running all 6 simulators, and they are pushing a lot of people through the queue. I've seen the queue full all the way through the Ewok Village, and still only waited for 15 minutes when it was posted as 45 on the board. It definitely is popular. As for...
  5. Bravo 229

    Best show scene at WDW?

    I have to agree with the Ballroom scene being the best, it has so much detail and I would say it is the most memorable scene from any Disney attraction. If I were to add a few to the mix, they would be: -The 5th Dimension scene in Tower of Terror -The Wizard of Oz scene from The Great Movie...
  6. Bravo 229

    favorite dessert (not from sitdown meal)?

    School Bread from the Kringola Bakeri in Norway!
  7. Bravo 229

    HHN 21 is here...

    Thanks! :wave:
  8. Bravo 229

    HHN 21 is here...

    QUESTION: I've only been once a few years ago on a Saturday night. It was very crowded and after a couple of incidents in line, we ended up not having such a great time. A few friends and I are planning to go this year, and I was wondering what night would you experts say is the best night...
  9. Bravo 229

    Attractions to skip for first timers?

    Honestly, at Universal, you don't have to skip anything. If you're doing one park per day over two days, you'll have plenty of time to take in everything. Depending on the crowd level, you maybe be able to ride everything multiple times. For the Disney parks, if you're short on time: MK...
  10. Bravo 229

    DHS and Narnia

    They used to change it all the time. I remember seeing The Haunted Mansion ballroom set in there, which was cool to see. Its not that big of a space, so it should be relatively easy for them to change it over for new films...but then again, this is TDO we're talking about.
  11. Bravo 229

    If you owned WDW?

    I've thought about this a lot before, and here are a few of the things I would do: -Fix the Yeti (I'm sure we can all agree on that one!) -Redo the Spaceship Earth finale, putting Walt Disney (in animatronic form) at the end of the ride, with him welcoming you to EPCOT Center (made up from...
  12. Bravo 229

    How Long have you

    I have a few old ticket stubs from around '88 or '89, so that would've been my first trip. My earliest memory from WDW is exiting the Country Bear Jamboree and walking towards Splash Mountain while on my dad's shoulders. That would've been right after it had opened, as I remember my mom saying...
  13. Bravo 229

    Run screaming!!!!

    I was stuck in the EAC in Nemo and Friends for 15 minutes the first time I ever rode it. If that ever happens again, I will jump out of my clamshell Hoot & Chief style and run for the exit!
  14. Bravo 229

    Girlfriend Mad

    Go and have fun bro, this is a once in a lifetime trip for some people!
  15. Bravo 229

    Vote for best and worst celebrity performance as part of an attraction

    I have to go with either Martin Short in O'Canada or Gary Sinise (and his bad toupee) in Mission:SPACE for BEST. Worst would be Ellen for Ellen's Energy Adventure.
  16. Bravo 229

    How many miles away do you live from Disney World

    Distance as the crow flies: 48.765 miles, but I can get there in 30 minutes!
  17. Bravo 229

    If you could choose one WDW attraction to work on, what would it be?

    It would have to be either: -Great Movie Ride...I'd want to be either the Gangster or Cowboy -Indiana Jones Epic Stuntacular...I think I'd make a good German Mechanic! -Spaceship Earth
  18. Bravo 229

    Labor Day weekend

    At the Studios they have Universal 360, which has been running at 9pm nightly. Seeing as Labor Day is a holiday, I'm sure they will be running it that night as well. IOA doesn't have any type of nighttime show or fireworks.
  19. Bravo 229

    beatles ride at disney?

    MJ owned half of Sony/ATV which includes the Beatles catalogue...Paul and John Lennon's estate split 50% of the profits, with the other 50% going to the MJ estate.
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