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  1. AgentP65

    Agent P joining Phineas and Ferb for a one day appearance at the Studios DON'T think Perry should be a permanent addition to the Phineas & Ferb M&G???
  2. AgentP65

    Agent P joining Phineas and Ferb for a one day appearance at the Studios

    rofl...soooo funny! Clearly I am disappointed to have missed meeting Agent P (hint: check out my avatar). I get that they brought him for one day to the DHS M&G to promote the new P&F TV movie (which was great, btw). But...he really needs to be a permanent part of the M&G. If you've seen...
  3. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    Thanks. Please let us know if you find out anything further. :)
  4. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    For folks who still want to stay deluxe, the Crescent Lake resorts and AKL are looking better and better. With the former choice, you are within walking distance to 2 parks. With the latter, you can deal with taking a bus everywhere or just bite the bullet and rent a car. Either way you'll be...
  5. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    If the rumor is true and 2 new cruisers have been ordered, how soon could they be delivered and put into service?
  6. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    ^^^this Well articulated points. Couldn't have said it better. Thank you!!!
  7. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    Wanted to add that on this l-o-n-g thread there has been a painfully obvious schism between those who normally stay value or moderate and those who stay deluxe. And there have also been quite a few assumptions made about the MK deluxe resort fans...that we are all elitist snobs, fabulously...
  8. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    With this situation all I can say is I'm really glad we didn't book at GF again this year. At least at the Poly we can avoid the bus and board the ferry to TTC. But I'm really not okay with the fact that we have paid nearly $200 for MNSSHP tickets and we will be unable to ride the monorail...
  9. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    Any word yet if the monorails will be running during the MK hard ticket special events (such as MNSSHP 7:00pm to midnight)??? We are staying at Poly in 56 days and I'm certain we won't be the only unhappy guests if we have to take a "magical motor coach" back to our resort. Unfortunately, we...
  10. AgentP65

    Tomorrowland Terrace seasonal hours?

    Gee, what a bummer TT isn't open year-round. Menu is way more interesting than most of the other QS locations in MK. We already planned a mid-day break for lunch/swim back at our hotel (Poly) and then return to MK by 4:00. Looks like it's going to have to be the Village Haus for a quick bite...
  11. AgentP65

    Tomorrowland Terrace seasonal hours?

    Coming to the World late September/early October. Normally we try to avoid eating dinner in MK (imho, far better restaurants at Epcot & resorts)...but we're going to MNSSHP on 10/2 and for convenience we'd like to have an early dinner in the park in order to be in line by 6:30 for character...
  12. AgentP65

    Best WS restaurant to view Illuminations?

    We normally just stake out a spot along the rail to watch Illuminations, but for our upcoming trip we thought we should make a later ADR to time our meal to end just before 9 pm. Hopefully watching the show from one of the restaurants will be more relaxing and enjoyable! We have ADRs for...
  13. AgentP65

    Soooooooooooo has ANYONE had dinner at Le Cellier yet?

    We have lunch ressie for Le Cellier on 10/5. Really looking forward to it! We love to eat at the signature restaurants and do not use the DDP. So the 2 dining credits situation is a non-issue for us. Also, we are not steak that's not a factor for us, either. Can't wait to order the...
  14. AgentP65

    MNSSHP info

    @JillC LI LOVE your family-coordinated hitchhiking ghost costumes!!! Just amazing!!!
  15. AgentP65

    MNSSHP info

    We will be at MNSSHP again this year on October 2nd. We actually plan our trips around MNSSHP and F&W :) We think that MNSSHP is the BEST "hard ticket" event in the parks. Totally agree with opinions expressed upthread that Boo-to-You parade and HalloWishes fireworks are the most enjoyable...
  16. AgentP65

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

    56 ...'til we're having dinner at The Derby and watching Fantasmic!!!
  17. AgentP65

    Poly Worth 465 / Night?

    We love the Poly. It's our favorite resort (to date). Stayed at GF with Theme Park view last September/October and prefer Poly hands down. Still have to try AKL, though! IMHO no resort on Disney property is worth $445/night. Actually, several years ago we stayed at Ritz-Carlton in Montreal...
  18. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    Thanks for the advice, s8film40. I had planned to send a follow-up email to WDW Guest Communications to request confirmation of this in writing. If it turns out this is a permanent operational change, then I feel I will have a legitimate gripe as a Polynesian guest. While I understand this...
  19. AgentP65

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    Hi folks, this is my very first post and I'm excited to be the bearer of some really excellent news! I called the WDW Vacation Package Bookings number (407-939-7675). I spoke to a CM named Darlene. I told her that I had a confirmed 7-night reservation for Sept/Oct for the Polynesian and that...
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