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  1. Fashionista007

    Let’s Get Down to Business, to Defeat… the Run: A Wine & Dine Half Marathon TR

    Okay I'm caught up! I love this picture! We should take another one in September because....I'm doing the ToT 10mi race too! I'm also doing the EE 5k in May :) I have caught the running bug!! Of course, I will be WAY behind everyone else! LOL I have no problem being your older sister...
  2. Fashionista007

    Let’s Get Down to Business, to Defeat… the Run: A Wine & Dine Half Marathon TR

    Aww thanks ladies :) Much love! I've only read up to the marathon but I have to say I agree with you about the removal of some of the little things that made your vacation that much more customized and special. I miss the different resort mugs, special designs on the plastic bags for...
  3. Fashionista007

    Wishes DFTW March 2012!

    Yay an update!! I LOVE all of your plans and Whitehall Patio Room is where we had our reception too :) As a bonus, you get to leave your reception and walk in your wedding dress past the bus stop back to the lobby of the GF. I never got tired of wearing my dress in public!! :sohappy: I have...
  4. Fashionista007

    Yes I do! It's :)

    Yes I do! It's :)
  5. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Yay another Lou fan! I've met him a few times, he and his whole team are all really nice :) Thank you and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I agree about the new ADR cancellation system. For our next trip, I only booked one! We are going to be pretty busy house hunting though :) I thought I was...
  6. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Aww yay! I'm glad someone is reading them :) Aww thank you so much :) It was my pleasure writing it. Now my entire trip is memorialized on the interwebs! I agree about the wedding video, it was so cool to get it at the end of the reception! We went back to our room and watched it right...
  7. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    I follow him too! My nieces bought his Hidden Mickey book and they love looking for hidden mickeys in Kinect Disneyland Adventures :) I'm glad my Disney obsession is catching on in the family! Aww thanks for reading my Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Tip For Today series on my blog! I promise to post more...
  8. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Wow it sounds like you have some great trips planned! I can't wait to hear about California, I went out there last year (not Disneyland) and loved it! Thanks for reading! Not a day has gone by where I haven't looked at our portraits :) I have a small digital frame on my desk but I do want...
  9. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Yes now the TR is over and there's only one wedding-related thing left to do - go on the Inside Disney Weddings podcast again to talk about the wedding! I'll be sure to post when we will be on :) Meeting my online friends was especially awesome this trip because we got to talk to people who...
  10. Fashionista007

    **It's UNOFFICIAL** The '13 Unofficial WDWMagic Girls Cruise!

    I am planning to book a room for myself but I'm not going to do the roommate thing because there is a very big chance I will have to cancel if/when I get pregnant in 2013 :D It's not like I can schedule getting pregnant, wouldn't that be great though?? I think it would be cool if I were just a...
  11. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    We entered through International Gateway and when we came over the bridge into France, I spotted a really nice camera and thought, hey Holly has a camera like that...omg that is Holly!! It was a slow motion moment in my life as she ran towards me. I can just hear the Running montage music now...
  12. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    This is for you, Jackie ;) I can't wait to see your wedding pictures!!! And this one is for you, Jess...we think so alike that we took the exact same picture :D MMM time for some Tea at the Boardwalk Bakery! Too bad we were stuffed from breakfast at the Artist's Palette, these are...
  13. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Day 9: The Final Countdown :( On the last day of our Disneymoon, we decided to wake up early at 5:45AM, we had a lot to do! We got up, got dressed, and finished packing. I couldn't believe it was almost over but to tell you the truth this trip had been so hectic that I wasn't really sad it was...
  14. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    The Gossip phone, that's what it's called! I couldn't remember. That definitely wasn't it, that photo was taken in the front of one of the clothing stores I think. I'll look for it next time, thanks for the tip! Haha yeah for a slow work week after the holidays :) Congratulations on your...
  15. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Hi Kelly! You're not really late to the party since I'm just now finishing up this TR :) I'm glad you got to catch up and I'm gearing up to post the final day :( The portrait sessions were so worth it!! If I had all the money in the world I would have done all 4 parks. I've seen a few from AK...
  16. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    October 1st is also my Mom's birthday so I had to take a break at our favorite white and yellow tables on Main Street to call and wish her a Happy Birthday! As we were talking, the Celebrate a Dream Come True parade went by so she got an extra special birthday present! After the parade, we...
  17. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    WDW's 40th Anniversary! We woke up early and hightailed it to the Magic Kingdom for the 40th anniversary! Unfortunately there was a bus accident at Saratoga Springs, so we took a cab to the Transportation & Ticket Center instead. We took the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom. It was a...
  18. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Thank you so much! I replied to your PM, I'm happy to help if you have questions :) Thank you :) I cannot wait for everyone to open their digital frames and framed family photos on Christmas! I'm hoping for tears from the Moms :D
  19. Fashionista007

    True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

    Thank you! We can't wait to move down to Orlando. My friends down there helped me nail down a zip code and now we're looking seriously at houses :sohappy: Funny, we were just talking about F&W the other day and how we're going to have to save up $500 to eat around the world next year! :D I...
  20. Fashionista007

    **It's UNOFFICIAL** The '13 Unofficial WDWMagic Girls Cruise!

    I actually knew about this before the thread was posted, it's just taken me that long to catch up! I'm going to talk to the hubby about it tonight!
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