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  1. MadMax11

    WDWMagic Members Favorite Deluxe Resort

    This post made me even more excited for my trip I leave for on Friday!!! Staying at YC for part of the trip, and it's our first time to stay there. Can't wait!!!
  2. MadMax11

    SWW - Converation with Mark Hamill

    On the date I'm looking for it say it's "closed for refurbishment."
  3. MadMax11

    Favorite (and best) queue?

    Space Mountain, primarily for the music Tower of Terror Pirates Everest
  4. MadMax11

    Mexican Restaurant?

    This is going to sound snobbish and "jerk store" material...but I don't even attempt to eat Mexican food outside of Texas. Tried before and it's very disappointing. I'm sure I'd be fine eating at an established chain I recognize from here (Chuy's, Pappasito's, etc)...but what EPCOT has to...
  5. MadMax11

    Time to start packing! Am I going crazy?

    We leave the morning of June 6 (and I mean like pre-morning morning) we've been buying up toiletries and some clothes we need for the trip the last 2 weekends. The wife has plans for each of our boys' clothes for each day of the trip...I was counting my own socks and shorts last night to...
  6. MadMax11

    Live band karaoke at Atlantic Dance

    My father sang with a big band...a voice extremely similar to Sinatra's. He's going to freak out over this! :)
  7. MadMax11

    People who actually experienced Magic Bands

    Got it...was hoping I could simply link a credit card to a MDE for purchases in the park.
  8. MadMax11

    People who actually experienced Magic Bands

    Not sure how I'd keep up with all that without it being a colossal pain at check out. We have 9 different members going for 5 days...trying to remember exactly whose charge for what belongs to who isn't something I'd want to bother with on vacation. We check into Yacht Club as just 4 for 3...
  9. MadMax11

    People who actually experienced Magic Bands

    Sounds like I won't be doing this then. That's a shame. You'd think everything would just be linked to your MDE and not merely to a room. Particularly when you can stay in villas that can house more than one family.
  10. MadMax11

    People who actually experienced Magic Bands

    My question is a little different though...I don't want to charge to the room. I want to be able to use magic bands to charge to a credit card. There will be others in our room who may want to do the same separately using their own magic bands to charge to their own credit cards. I'm only...
  11. MadMax11

    People who actually experienced Magic Bands

    Quick question someone here might know the answer to: I'm staying at OKW with a party of 9...4 of those people are my immediate family (wife, 2 sons, myself). Is it possible to link a credit card just to the 4 in my immediate family without having it also linked to the other 5 travelling with us?
  12. MadMax11

    Memory Maker Question

    One more said it was on the magic bands of all the people on your reservation? Right now it seems like it's just assigned to one magic band. I'm travelling with a party of 9 for 4 nights at OKW...then that dwindles down to a party of 4 for 3 more nights at Yacht Club. Because I...
  13. MadMax11

    Memory Maker Question

    I got it..thank you! Just checked MDE and it shows up below my FastPass+ reservations. :)
  14. MadMax11

    Memory Maker Question

    At this link, there's some information about linking a PhotoPass card to my MDE. I assume I need to get that card...and that's what I'll be picking up.
  15. MadMax11

    Memory Maker Question literally gave me the option to pay $15 more to have "it" shipped to me via FedEx. I just assumed it was a card with a serial number I'd have to "link" to my MDE account.
  16. MadMax11

    Memory Maker Question

    I bought Memory Maker last night, but have to pick it up at Will Call, as my trip is too soon for regular mail. What exactly am I "picking up?" I assumed when I purchased it online I'd do so under my MDE account and that would get it done. But apparently there's another step. How does that...
  17. MadMax11

    Adding non-ticket holding Family/Friends to FastPass+

    I meant specifically on any day from June 8-15
  18. MadMax11

    FastPass+ UnFair process Confirmed

    I asked this in another thread..but this thread has more traffic so I'll ask here too: If you showed up on a day with no fast passes reserved at all...and totally winged it...just went straight to the kiosk in the morning to see about grabbing fast likely would you be to get...
  19. MadMax11

    Adding non-ticket holding Family/Friends to FastPass+

    So even if you show up each day with no fast passes reserved, you can still get everything you want for the most part? If that's the case, then I'll just change mine around to match whatever they get.
  20. MadMax11

    Whispering canyon cafe questions?

    I'm all for eating healthy, but I liked this place so much more when they still served fried chicken instead of baked chicken. That was so good.
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