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  1. bpadair32

    Worst Disney World hotel experience thread

    I wouldn't consider it part of their job either if I went out and got the groceries. They do help if you have groceries delivered, but I believe that they have arrangements with the limited companies that are allowed to do that and I always tip well for that.
  2. bpadair32

    Worst Disney World hotel experience thread

    Deluxe. Boardwalk.
  3. bpadair32

    Worst Disney World hotel experience thread

    Never had a really bad experience and have had many stays. Usually whenever something has gone wrong they more than make up for it. There was one time, that we had asked housekeeping to bring some extra sheets as my toddler son had wet the bed and we needed to change them. We did not ask them to...
  4. bpadair32

    Dumb guests doing dumb things.....

    Disney is not and never has been just for families, it’s for everyone.
  5. bpadair32

    Dumb guests doing dumb things.....

    I really hate the nanny state suggestions and tracking. Some people being idiots is not a reason that I should not be able to walk around with a margarita. If people are behaving badly, Disney should remove them. Again, remove the bad people, but its not hard to avoid it. In many trips I have...
  6. bpadair32

    Upset with Moonlight Magic

    Non-working hours for who? No matter what time they choose it will be working hours for someone.
  7. bpadair32

    Upset with Moonlight Magic

    I have to say, this may be one of the most ridiculous complaints I have seen on these boards. Why on Earth would they need to accommodate your work schedule for registration times? They have to consider people in time zones all over the world.
  8. bpadair32

    Dumb guests doing dumb things.....

    There is nothing wrong with drinking, even at a Disney park. The problem is with people that cannot do it responsibly. However, for every activity in life, there are people that cannot do it responsibly. That does not mean the people that can should be stopped from said activity. If someone is...
  9. bpadair32

    Trip Report It really is the place where dreams come true - Trip Report

    Great report so far. Following along!
  10. bpadair32

    Disney got my money for the last time

    Me too. And here is the thing, I do not expect perfection. The CMs are people, they make mistakes. If the report from the OP is accurate than a CM made a mistake. Someone at WDW should have apologized and that should have been that. I don't understand people that think a little mistake entitles...
  11. bpadair32

    Pre-Trip Anniversary Trip

    I just created/posted my first ever trip report and I would love for everyone to check it out. It can be found here:
  12. bpadair32

    The Muppet Kingdom

    This like every other change that has been or ever will be made, falls into two camps with people: 1. I think I am going to like it, and I am excited about it. 2. Change is bad - do not change anything - why are the ruining everything? How come theres never any new attractions?
  13. bpadair32

    The Muppet Kingdom

    I really like the idea. I love the Muppets and I think that them giving a history lesson could be both entertaining and educational. I also think that they are very all-American so I think that they will fit in well in LS.
  14. bpadair32

    FastPass+ Time Disappointment

    Here's the thing. No matter what time you pick, it is going to work for some and suck for others. Such is the nature of timezones. I would think that they would be trying to hit the East coast, the middle US, and Western Europe as I would think those would be the majority of WDW travelers with...
  15. bpadair32

    rethinking transportation from MK parking to Magic Kingdom

    I agree. I know that there are people that just want to get in as quickly as possible and race from one ride to the next and then get out. Thats fine. To each there own, but if that was all I was interested in I would save a lot of money and just go to Six Flags. To me, WDW is about the...
  16. bpadair32

    Scooter accident

    The amount of people that are disrespecting people that are disabled and/or overweight on this thread is as shocking as it is unsurprising. Most of the people that have a mobility issue do not wish to have one. They would love to walk if they could. And despite what you may believe not everyone...
  17. bpadair32


    Thank you!
  18. bpadair32

    We Need EPCOT Center Now More Than Ever!

    Why is it the job of a company to educate people via a theme park? Access to information is more available than ever. And yes many kids are posting selfies and watching cat videos, many are also learning stuff. Either way, that is the job of parents, not Disney. Take a look at our current...
  19. bpadair32

    Trip Report Great Time in July!!

    Yeah while most of the servers are great, I think that there are some that don't know how to take on the "strict mom" role well and end up just coming across as grumpy.
  20. bpadair32

    What are the chances?

    BCV - Highly unlikely it is the smallest resort BLT - Probably 50/50 BWV - Reasonably good chance - I would say 75-80%
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