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  1. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    This thread is going to be quickly filled with two types of people: those that are excited by the potential for this technology and how useful it could be, and those that don't like technology and think Disney is going to be spying on them with it. I personally, am on the side of finding it...
  2. bpadair32

    Best Character meal for kids 8 and 5?

    We loved Tusker House for breakfast. The food was really good and the character interactions were good as well. My kids were 8, 7, and 3 when we went there.
  3. bpadair32

    News FPs cancelled when Hotel room cancelled

    I am really happy to hear this. I think the throw away room thing is ridiculous.
  4. bpadair32

    Worst Disney World hotel experience thread

    This is a joke or a delusion. There is simply no way that this is a true story.
  5. bpadair32

    Kids sitting alone on rides

    My son was asked his age.
  6. bpadair32

    Worst Disney World hotel experience thread

    I think that most people would have just called the family and asked where they were, why they didn't tell them where they were going, and told them to get their butts back and help. But again, doing that doesn't lend itself to being able to complain loudly about poor service.
  7. bpadair32

    Mandatory “Room Check” - Take the poll...

    The price increases got it down to 10. There were 30 waiting to take their place before. ;-)
  8. bpadair32

    Mandatory “Room Check” - Take the poll...

    This is just ridiculous. They are not coming to your house or searching your private property. They are checking a hotel room. If you want to get upset about civil liberties why don't you spend your energy on any of the real civil and human rights violations going on around the world.
  9. bpadair32

    Mandatory “Room Check” - Take the poll...

    Its not the same, it does not feel the same, and you should not have the same expectations. They are not spying or invading your privacy. They are checking the room and taking out the trash. If you really don't like it that much, don't stay there. There will be 10 more people waiting to take...
  10. bpadair32

    Worst Disney World hotel experience thread

    That would have deprived them of the joy of being able to complain. ;-)
  11. bpadair32

    Mandatory “Room Check” - Take the poll...

    Because we do not consider it to be a mistake. I could care less if they come in the room every day and I think that it is irrational to get as worked up about it as some people here do.
  12. bpadair32

    Mandatory “Room Check” - Take the poll...

    Thanks for freeing up a room!
  13. bpadair32

    Kids sitting alone on rides

    Its not gaming the system, it is using the system as designed. Disney didn't say that rider swap allows the parent and different kids to ride each time, they said rider swap allows 3 people to ride. Get over yourself.
  14. bpadair32

    Is Park Hopper Worth the Extra Cost?

    This is another one of those things where YMMV, if you are going between EPCOT and HS it would take 30mins or less. Or if you are staying at an EPCOT area resort, you could go to MK or AK for part of the day, head back to the resort and then pop over to EPCOT for dinner later.
  15. bpadair32

    Is Park Hopper Worth the Extra Cost?

    It all depends on the trip and your plans. I am getting a park hopper for my upcoming trip because I am staying at BW and want to be able to pop in and out of EPCOT even on days that I am going to other parks. YMMV
  16. bpadair32

    Does WDW let anyone "save" benches and curb space for parades?

    Yeah no. If I see a blanket or something by itself I am going to move it out of the way and sit down. If you have something better to do than wait for the parade, then do that, but you don't get to have both.
  17. bpadair32

    Kids sitting alone on rides

    If you get this worked up over the wait time added by 1 or 2 people, maybe a vacation with a lot of lines isn't the best option.
  18. bpadair32

    Kids sitting alone on rides

    Because the rider swap is good for 3 people, so let the kid have fun and let mom and dad each have a chance to enjoy riding with him.
  19. bpadair32

    Mandatory “Room Check” - Take the poll...

    I cannot believe that people are still getting worked up about this. I am quite sure that if you said you were running the races and asked if they could come at a different time they would have. I have stayed a couple of times since they started this and have never seen them do the room check...
  20. bpadair32

    Worst Disney World hotel experience thread

    I don't think it is a standard expectation at most resorts that you are going to go to a grocery store and then expect bell services to lug the stuff around. I really don't. No, but they could carry some lighter options. When we go to Vero Beach we go to the grocery store and all 5 of us...
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