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  1. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    I know exactly what they have. I have looked at the data. I don't care. I am not uninformed. I am quite well informed. I just make a different value judgment than you do. No, I love my Echo.
  2. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    I don't want visualization or to watch 15mins of the morning news to get the weather forecast. I just want a device to tell me. If it can also do that while I am drying off from the shower that's even better.
  3. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    How? VPN? Then your VPN provider has all the info. Tor? Thats been cracked before. There is no such thing as perfect privacy. This is a little, um, extreme methinks.
  4. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    Depends on the software and the phone. But even then you are assuming that there is not a bug or programming glitch. Further, your ISP already knows every website you visit, as does every wifi you connect to. So ¯\(ツ)/¯
  5. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    If you have a phone you have an always listening microphone. My echos have gotten much better over the last year at the number of false activations they have.
  6. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    Nope, that would block the bluetooth from talking to my watch and ear buds. Sorry, but we are not going to agree on any of this stuff. I am all about being connected.
  7. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    I value my privacy to an extent. I also value convenience. I strive for what to me is a reasonable balance between the two.
  8. bpadair32

    Lowered Expectations for HS

    I just watched a YouTuber (thetimtracker) doing a dining review there. They were with another couple so they got 4 different dishes and they said the prime rib was the worst of all of them. The person that ordered it ended up barely eating it.
  9. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    For anyone that is not a government agent, this is a ridiculous level of inconvenience to go to.
  10. bpadair32


    Because some people have a superiority complex.
  11. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    It may not. But it is not going to hurt your vacation either, and is nice for those of us that are used to starting our day with a quick "Alexa, what is the weather like today".
  12. bpadair32


    I am not being pedantic, their audience has always been middle class people with money to spend who like Disney and its associated properties. That continues to be the audience. But there is now more of that audience that wants fun attractions and less looking for tiny details and names on...
  13. bpadair32


    The target audience hasn't changed. What the target audience wants has (maybe, I am still not convinced that the "old-timers" in this thread were ever a majority).
  14. bpadair32


    Umm, I am one of the ones that agree most people don't care nor should they have to about Disney history.
  15. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    Thats the difference between a security guy and a sysadmin. You get paid to be paranoid ;-)
  16. bpadair32


    There is nothing wrong with it. I am just going to come out and say it, some of the people on this thread are snobs that think if you do not know or care about Disney history as much as them, then your opinion on the parks is wrong or shouldn't count. That is a sad way to live your life, but ¯\(ツ)/¯
  17. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    If you haven't tried one, its hard to understand. But after using them, there is something enjoyable about asking a question to the air and getting a response.
  18. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    As someone that works around technology all day, every day, I can guarantee you those people do not think twice about the wifi or their phone. There are two reasons for this: first, they don't understand how it works and therefore the potential issues, and second: they are used to them. People...
  19. bpadair32


    I have read some crazy things on this thread, but this takes the cake. There is nothing in Disney (or any other entertainment venue) history or otherwise that is comparable to WW2. The thought that it Disney history is anywhere near close enough in importance to even make that comparison shows a...
  20. bpadair32

    Is Park Hopper Worth the Extra Cost?

    I disagree. With the use of FPs, both advance and day of, I can normally avoid anything more than a 20min line for anything I want to do.
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