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  1. lilclerk

    A week away and the possibility of rain is scaring my party!

    Help! - P-p-p-Piglet (Me.) This is pretty much the theme song of all our trips. Hasn't stopped us yet.
  2. lilclerk

    MDE - Friends and Family - Assistance Required

    What does it do when you try to invite them?
  3. lilclerk

    RIP Target 5% discount

    As of right now, you can still get the 5% off in store, just not online. Who knows if that will last, though.
  4. lilclerk

    Today's news, new Muppet Show Might Return to ABC

    Love the dedication! My parents got HBO specifically so I could see Fraggle Rock, and they rented Labyrinth for me so many times that the video store eventually just gave it to me. My dad also says that they had kids so my mom would have an excuse to watch Sesame Street (my sister is pre-Muppet...
  5. lilclerk

    Today's news, new Muppet Show Might Return to ABC

    Yes, this is part of the original Muppet Show pitch =) I was about 6 when he died, and I remember my mom crying when she found out. I come from a family of Muppet fans.
  6. lilclerk

    Water Park Tickets

    Yeah, I think as of the price change last month, you can hop between both water parks with the 1 day ticket.
  7. lilclerk

    Today's news, new Muppet Show Might Return to ABC

    Ooooh, I hope there are still freaky, long-haired, dirty, cynical muppets!
  8. lilclerk

    Recording the WDW Resort channel.

    Wow, I saw this thread title and just thought "it's on Youtube, why go through the hassle?" But there WAS no Youtube when this thread was created. Yeesh.
  9. lilclerk

    Going out on a limb...

    Oh man, "steaked out" is the best way to put it! I am super picky, and steak always seems like the safest choice, haha. I also really preferred BOG at lunch over dinner. Here are some of my favorite WDW meals: 50s Prime Time: Pot roast is oh so good, plus it's just fun. I also really like...
  10. lilclerk

    Be Our Guest Dinner Reservations: ADRs available

    Yes, 1 QS credit for lunch =)
  11. lilclerk

    Official Photography Contest 3/21/15-3/27/15 Epcot

    Edit: had already used that photo!
  12. lilclerk

    A morbid (but serious) funeral question

    My mom would want this.
  13. lilclerk

    Is Raglan Road on the dining plan?

    I see Raglan Road and Big River on the DDP brochure, under Table Service Meals. We did Big River Grille with the dining plan last September. I don't recall them saying there were any...
  14. lilclerk

    tower of terror

    I don't have kids, but I do have a fun story. The first time I rode ToT, my friend didn't want to go, but I'm a huge Twilight Zone fan so I braved it by myself. I almost chickened out because I'm a little scared of elevators anyway. The little guy in front of me in line, probably about 4...
  15. lilclerk

    Dining plans

    Yup, this is my biggest reason I used when pushing going without the dining plan on our next trip. I just can't stomach that many desserts. I'd also rather snack my way through lunch or dinner, and do TS for the the other meal. I'm not big on most of the quick service in the parks.
  16. lilclerk

    Be Our Guest lunch FP test ending?

    Has anyone with a reservation in the next 30 days been able to pre-order? I'm wondering if the process has changed at all from when it was FP+.
  17. lilclerk

    Official Photography Contest 2/21/15-2/27/15 Postcard Shots

    Big Thunder Mountain Railroad by lilclerk, on Flickr
  18. lilclerk

    Are MNSSHP and F&W Festival

    Agreed. We did F&W for the first time last year, and Epcot was so crowded, I could barely breathe. We only saw IllumiNations once over the 2 weeks we were there, and that was only because we were able to snag an ADR at Rose & Crown.
  19. lilclerk

    Disney Quest

    We stopped in for a little bit last year specifically to play Fix It Felix (from Wreck It Ralph). Once I noticed they misspelled Aladdin on the signs and never fixed it, I was done.
  20. lilclerk

    All Disney shows sound the same?!

    Yup, I'm sure this is intentional. Even the chorus in the background of every song has a "Disney" sound.
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