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  1. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    That's been ruled out by Steve and in the picture of that barge there was a hexagonal shape which would tie in with the shape in the lagoon the barges are moored against. I wonder if there will be some light through a prism like effects from lights on the six barges and some on the central one...
  2. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    Would this have something to do with the reason for a globe barge style scrim on one of the barges a few weeks ago?
  3. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    Ah, yes, well spotted on the two bits behind the spotlights. I remember thinking when I first saw bio's pics (before the top plates were added) they were to protect the outboards from the mini barges when they are pulled out or something knocking them accidentally. What you say though makes...
  4. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    Having a look back through some posts. Given the build of the railing around the outboards which look like they could be weight bearing, and the top with two fixture points, can we expect something to be attached to these in the show? Not seen outboards with such covers before as if a H&S...
  5. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    There is a comment from someone, who appears to be cast, in reply that said it did take place.
  6. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    I can only go by the photos and concept art, but I like the look of the fireworks / fountains which go outward towards the viewing guest, rather than merely aimed towards the centre of the lagoon. I think that could give a neat effect and make the show appear on a grander scale and make full...
  7. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    Apart from some insider knowledge, the only way to know is from aerial photos taken by Bioreconstruct. For all anyone knows, the barge may be completed since his last images were posted, and brought out after hours tonight if they are doing a rehersal.
  8. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    They certainly will. Think how happy they'll be though when they google it and listen to the theme music.
  9. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    A hexagonal shape for whatever is going in the middle perhaps?
  10. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    I'm sure i've seen a close up posted here, but quickly looking, this shows the launcher.
  11. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    That wouldn't happen, and it hasn't before. Testing footage will be allover the place like it was before. To have that though, you're relying on people actually staying there going for pics and video late at night. The later tests as it builds to full rehearsals will see more of a crowd as it...
  12. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    It's a crop of this pic Bioreconstruct posted today
  13. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    It may well be fabricated elsewhere then brought to site, like the Earth barge was.
  14. stuart

    News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous

    This should load at 45 seconds in. Is it just me, or are the choir making the THX sound?
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