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  1. cmon71

    Trip Report Thank Heaven for Little Girls.

    Wow that shot through the open lens is amazing! All is good with the world when there's a new Fractal TR to only complaint is that it's only a one day WDW visit. Looks like you guys made the most of it though for sure!
  2. cmon71

    Pre-Trip You're going again? You're CRAZY!!

    HA...I hear ya on that! I live in DE and have had enough of the snow and cold for a while to say the least! I think you will be ok though since the worst should be over for this winter...famous last words lol
  3. cmon71

    Pre-Trip You're going again? You're CRAZY!!

    Your last TR was beyond great...really looking forward to reading your next one!!
  4. cmon71

    Things in Orlando (not the world) the proove you have arrived

    The train rolling into Winter stop Orlando woot!!
  5. cmon71

    Trip Report 10 days goes too fast in Disney World! July Trip Report

    Awesome TR!! Thanks so much for helping us all to escape reality for a bit!
  6. cmon71

    Trip Report 10 days goes too fast in Disney World! July Trip Report

    You guys are too funny!! I totally agree on Carousel of Progress...a must do for me every time in MK. Nothing says Walt Disney like CoP and the steam train!
  7. cmon71

    Trip Report 10 days goes too fast in Disney World! July Trip Report

    Great trip report...truly captivating!! Your plum wine review was hilarious...I couldn't agree more! Hope you never lose your enthusiasm for all things Disney!
  8. cmon71

    Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.

    Awesome trip report!! I like how you're able to capture the many positive aspects of WDW with your photos and stories....leaving most of the the negative for the other forums.
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