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  1. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report What time is it? MICKEY TIME. August 2014

    Awesome start!! Can't wait to
  2. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report The tale of two Disney-obsessed Atlantic Canadians, March 27-April 3, 2014

    My mother and I also have that special Disney addiction :) My father and my hubby HATE it :joyfull:
  3. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report That Guy's Report 8-1 to 8-9 2014

    WOW awesome picture!! Can't wait for the rest of your report!!
  4. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report *Completed* The Rain Filled Graduation and Cancer Free Celebration Trip

    This is completely random but what's the "name" of your NorthFace jacket! I love it! Btw awesome trip report!!
  5. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report *Completed!* The "pick a celebration and stick with it!" Trip Report :)

    Great trip report!! Looks like you had awesome weather as well:)
  6. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report No snow in Disney...My live Christmas Report

    OMG!! So JEL right now!! Have a wonderful trip!!
  7. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report Post as we go - Princess vs the yeti trip!

    Awesome report so far!! Have a great time ;)
  8. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.

    @sweetpea_1993 I say just buy the camera lol!! Also I'm dying for a noodle bowl from Capt. Cooks now!! Thanks Sterg!! LOL
  9. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.

    I haven't been to Citricos in YEARS but you are seriously making me want to go!!!
  10. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.

    I think he has a Sony Nex5? But I'm not sure. I really don't know much about cameras :0) LOL!!
  11. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.

    I'm totally in on the Ohana fan club!! I also have a spouse that is less than thrilled with our trips to Dis. He recently bought a mirror less camera and actually said "I can't wait to go to Disney!!" So judging by your awesome pics he gonna have a great time when we go n April :0)
  12. Ella's Mommy

    Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.

    YAY!!! You started your trip report!!! I'm absolutely ON BOARD!! Off to a great start :0)
  13. Ella's Mommy

    Pre-Trip Yep, We're Poly going back to WDW PTR!

    YAY!!! I'm so excited to read your trip report!! Have a great time!!
  14. Ella's Mommy

    Pre-Trip Yep, We're Poly going back to WDW PTR!

    YES :)) They have a dole whip machine in Capt. Cooks!! Kona is also really good!! You must try the sticky wings. What I really love about Poly is being able to sit at the pool with a view of the castle :0)
  15. Ella's Mommy

    Confirmed Norovirus, returned last week

    Just an FYI. Hand sanitizer does NOT kill the stomach bug. You have to physically wash the germs off your hands. You have to ingest 18 particles of the norovirus to get sick. It takes 1000 particles breathed in or ingested to get sick with the flu. That's why it rips through schools, offices...
  16. Ella's Mommy

    Pre-Trip Yep, We're Poly going back to WDW PTR!

    OMG!!!! I LOVE your trip reports and I LOVE Poly!! We have been staying at Poly since the 80's when it was the Polynesian Village. I'm soooooooooo excited for your trip report!!!!!!! Don't forget they have Dole Whip at Capt. Cooks :0)
  17. Ella's Mommy

    What do we get when we mix 12 family members, a newborn, and 2 Disney virgins... PTR

    So LOVED your trip report!! I so sad that Daniel isn't going on this trip :0( you guys are so funny together!!
  18. Ella's Mommy

    The latest mega millions got me thinking..

    I would stay in our favorite room (Poly Theme Park Club Level) for two weeks right after winning. Then do exactly what we do now which is Poly CL once a year..............Well maybe I'd throw in a couple extra trips to Grand Floridian :ROFLOL:
  19. Ella's Mommy

    WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – My August 2011 Trip Report

    I don't post much but I have to say your trip report is my FAV!!! So makes me home sick for Disney :0) Great family pics as well!!
  20. Ella's Mommy

    Cupcakes: Most Nutritious Way to Start Any Day...? - February 2012 WDW Trip Report

    YAY!!!!! I love your trip reports!!!!!:wave:
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