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  1. dr_teeth90210

    Sith Training Academy (coming soon?)
  2. dr_teeth90210

    Song Title Thread - Ground Rules

    KKK took my baby away- The Ramones
  3. dr_teeth90210

    Song Title Thread - Ground Rules

    "Help is On the Way"- Rise Against
  4. dr_teeth90210

    New Samantha Brown special

    Show sucked. Youtube videos are more interesting then that crap. And I love how the Travel Channel promotes it as a "Samantha Brown" special when she was in it for the first 10 minutes. Next time Travel Channel should save their money and just buy the rights to "The Muppets at Walt Disney...
  5. dr_teeth90210

    Go packers!!!!!!

    Yes. Minnie Mouse is being forced to wear a chastity belt while Big Ben is on property.
  6. dr_teeth90210


    Good riddance...
  7. dr_teeth90210

    Go packers!!!!!!

  8. dr_teeth90210

    Which game system to buy for group?

    If the game is going to be projected onto a white wall then I would say go with the Xbox. Wii graphics (Read 480P at best) projected onto a large wall just aint pretty.
  9. dr_teeth90210

    Really Cool Behind the Scenes Video of Imagineers & Disney Theme Parks

    This is a really cool video of the history of sound at Disney Theme Parks. There is some beautiful footage and interesting shots that I've never seen before.:) Soundworks Collection: Walt Disney Imagineers Description:The vision and showmanship of Walt...
  10. dr_teeth90210

    Which game system to buy for group?

    What type of tv would it be hooked up to? Plasma, conventional tube tv, lcd?
  11. dr_teeth90210

    Splash Mtn Restraints

    So since you're a little taller and larger than the average person that means everyone else must be able to ride. :brick: If it wasn't an issue then people would NOT be complaining.
  12. dr_teeth90210

    Splash Mtn Restraints

    At 6'9", I barely fit in the logs as it is. I have to sit completely sideways for my knees to fit. I guess I won't be riding Splash anymore.:(
  13. dr_teeth90210

    iPhone officially on Verizon

    I have had a ton of issues with my Droid also. I finally had to have my Droid replaced. Unfortunately, I still have another year before I can upgrade. I might just bite the bullet and pay full price. Either way, thank God the Iphone is finally on Verizon.
  14. dr_teeth90210

    Saturday morning/kids show nostalgia thread.......

    Was anyone else forced to watch these shows back in school? MATHNET VOYAGE OF THE MIMI
  15. dr_teeth90210

    Saturday morning/kids show nostalgia thread.......

    When ever there is trouble, We're on the double. We're the Bloodhound Gang.
  16. dr_teeth90210

    Unreleased Fantasyland Expansion Concept Art

    I love omnimovers but ,dear God, this better be better than Nemo.
  17. dr_teeth90210

    Saturday morning/kids show nostalgia thread.......

    Kissyfur BattleToads Heathcliff BananaMan DangerMouse The...
  18. dr_teeth90210

    Black Friday Fight (video)

    I went to Target at 4am this morning and the place was CRAZY BUSY. While shopping a argument broke out in one of the lines. So I did what anyone else would do and broke out my cell phone. Anyone else got BF stories?
  19. dr_teeth90210

    Christmas Day Parade Taping 2010

    An email was sent out earlier today with the link to sign up for tickets.
  20. dr_teeth90210

    Mr. Toad vs. Winnie the Pooh

    That's a tough one. Pooh has got about 50 pounds on Toad but Toad is far more agile. I take Toad in the 3rd.
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