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  1. D.Silentu

    Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed in Flames

    I agree, in spite of the extended downtime I imagine everything they have worked on has been about damage control. I'd expect improvements, akin to those you describe, being packaged with a new dragon so they can call the whole affair a brand new show.
  2. D.Silentu

    Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed in Flames

    To your point, I think reliability is the main thing that should be the focus of the next dragon. Murphy, while so impressive, really left a legacy of issues both beginning and culminating in failure. I'm pleased to hear they seem to have another dragon in mind, but I hope they are also mindful...
  3. D.Silentu


    Apart from the scream tubes I really hadn't noted the color changes, but you're right. The older colors were more suitably subtle. Something that has stood out to me, observing the Pixar Place Hotel and Pixar Fest, is the obsession with red, blue and yellow. I realize they are the colors of the...
  4. D.Silentu

    Avengers Campus: E-Watch! (Waiting on the new ride)

    There is merit in both of these thoughts, but I feel it worth adding that if Disney or Univeral is not cutting edge then themed entertainment is stagnant. They're the only two players in the game that have the capital to really move the industry forward. I was pleased with what I saw of Peter...
  5. D.Silentu

    Tiana's Bayou Adventure: Disneyland Watch & Discussion

    Mountain Luther? It has 99 Theses', but there's room for one more.
  6. D.Silentu

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    Would that have more to do with the build time or Six Flags' maintenance though?
  7. D.Silentu

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    I believe that's why I find the timeframe of this delay so shocking. For all appearances the site preparation looked finished and it wasn't hard to imagine construction being completed by year's end. I suppose my biggest hope is that this delay doesn't push back any other future plans Universal...
  8. D.Silentu

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    That is unfortunate news. Does anyone here know why it will take at least eighteen more months before they can finish and open it?
  9. D.Silentu

    The Miscellaneous Thought Thread

    I really have no idea, though that picture seems to imply it was changed for the Blu-Ray release. It sure caught me off guard when I watched the movie on Disney+. The race sequence sticks in my mind more prominently because it really seemed to change the pacing of the film.
  10. D.Silentu

    Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed in Flames

    This time I'm afraid you caught me fair and square, I was just making a course correction. Air quotes would have been appropriate for all the 'excitement' Pixar Fest has generated. Next time!
  11. D.Silentu

    The Miscellaneous Thought Thread

    I appreciate the clarification. In the theatrical and first home media release he was a puppet, though if memory serves a CGI version was used in a shot or two. I suppose memory is all we have of that version now. EDIT: The internet provides!
  12. D.Silentu

    The Miscellaneous Thought Thread

    I'd very much appreciate a report on your screening of Episode One. As a point of curiosity I'm wondering which version of the film they show. I hadn't seen the movie in years until Disney+ made it convenient. It seems that Lucas had reedited it, most glaringly in the race scene. The tell is...
  13. D.Silentu

    Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed in Flames

    Pardon me, I forgot the quotation marks!
  14. D.Silentu

    Avengers Campus: E-Watch! (Waiting on the new ride)

    Where are these spoilers posted? As you say, they're likely the best insights we can get at present. Edit: I did check the Tokyo forum, but didn't see anything beyond what you've stated.
  15. D.Silentu

    Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed in Flames

    Most likely saving it as an advertising point after the Pixar Fest hype starts to wind down.
  16. D.Silentu

    Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed in Flames

    I'd guess the latter and wouldn't be surprised to hear that coming up with and integrating a new climax was more time intensive than a lot of us think.
  17. D.Silentu


    Pardon if this is a redundant question, but does the reason they declined to purchase it perhaps have to do with obligations attached to the property that are too constraining? For instance, building a requisite number of hotels? I've never heard a solid answer, but presently agree with those...
  18. D.Silentu

    New Tomorrowland @ Disneyland? Is this the year it finally gets announced? No, and that’s OK

    I once took a friend to ride it for the first time and we had an opportunity to ride again in the evening. I delightedly anticipated his reaction when he realized the ride changes. Somehow, we got the exact same scenarios as before! As you are saying, the odds of this just boggle me!
  19. D.Silentu

    Avengers Campus: E-Watch! (Waiting on the new ride)

    Interesting, I did not know that. While I stand corrected on that point I do wish to reiterate that I don't think live action filming is a good approach for the ride. Animating will allow for more freedom and have a better chance of aging gracefully.
  20. D.Silentu

    Avengers Campus: E-Watch! (Waiting on the new ride)

    Right, however the post I referred to was saying they could film for the ride simultaneous to the actors filming new Marvel movies. My point is that many of the popular characters appearing in the attraction won't have corresponding actors on set because they are no longer part of the series.
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