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  1. NMBC1993

    Tron 3 Dead? 2023 Updates

    Well all-in-all this decision makes sense. Personally I thought the second movie was extremely boring (they kinda threw everything they had going for the film in the first 45 minutes of a two+ hour movie). Also, lets not forget Tron Legecy came out in 2010 (before Disney acquired both Marvel and...
  2. NMBC1993

    What Tomorrowland Means to a Young Dreamer

    It's no surprise the father was unaware what content was in the film, he probably just saw the name "Tomorrowland" and though "It's Disney, it's for families". Take it from an ex-media rental store clerk of 8 years, a lot of parents don't pay attention to what they buy or rent for their kids...
  3. NMBC1993

    Tomorrowland Review

    I completely agree with firing whoever is in charge of their marketing. It seems like the only thing that team is good at is sending the wrong message for the tone of the film.
  4. NMBC1993

    Comic Book Movies are Dumbing Us Down?

    I knew there was a reason I liked Simon Pegg so much. Sounds to me like he's growing out of all the geeky trends and is starting to look at the world around us, as something we adults SHOULD focus on. It seems like he's trying to convey the same message my father tried to explain to me when it...
  5. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    I understand the attraction isn't for everyone, and in it's current state I can see where people would not care for it, but here is where I believe Universal's "just bulldoze it" theory could be changed. Why can't Universal take the budget of a new attraction and put that into a year long...
  6. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    As I stated above, let's hope he's not going anywhere. Although, the thing that worries me about Universal is, unlike Disney nothing is "sacred" to them. Just because an attraction is an original, doesn't mean it's off limits.
  7. NMBC1993

    TriceraTop Spin closing for refurbishment next week

    It was a joke. Everyone keeps talking about how Universal is "stealing days away from Disney" so in this case Universal has the advantage...never mind that fact that Disney has two other attractions that are basically the same. Again, just an attempt at humor...which apparently I have failed at.
  8. NMBC1993

    TriceraTop Spin closing for refurbishment next week

    Thank goodness Universal has us covered in our time of need.... See you could learn something Disney...if you didn't keep messing up like this, we wouldn't need more days at another park;)
  9. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    Excuse me?..... I think Disney knows how to value their properties;)
  10. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    Haha, yes! Star Fox would be an amazing attraction. They really haven't done much with him since the 64 days (that I can remember). Although I forgot to mention this earlier. Nintendo did recently get exclusive control over another video game property that would be an interesting addition to...
  11. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    XD OMG you win the internet today my I'm going to imagine E.T. in dreadlocks every time I ride. His finger is really just a lighter after all, right? "Ouch..."
  12. NMBC1993

    TriceraTop Spin closing for refurbishment next week

    Nooooo!!!!!! my entire vacation ruined!!!!!!
  13. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    I understand, I wouldn't expect anyone to know anything at this early stage, I was making more of a general plea to Universal if they are listening. I just got my APs to Uni, don't take out an attraction I'm starting to just NOW grow attachment to... "Welcome Home, You've Arrived" I don't...
  14. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    Just please leave E.T.'s the last original incarnation around (and the only in the Orlando park). I remember cringing a few years ago when I heard Smurfs was going to take over Kidzone...
  15. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    Although we should give credit where credit it due, I never really thought of Iger being a "wizard of IPs" mostly because overall, what work did he really have to do given the fact that Disney's newest franchises were already wildly successful before being purchased by the company? Pixar - Well...
  16. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    As long as I can bring in my 1999 collection of Pokeballs and have them "restore my Pokemon to full health" by Nurse Joy, Universal can just take my money now;)
  17. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    Well yeah...a ton of cash never hurt either;) Think of the giant retail store they could set up in the park. Nintendo merch for miles. Plus, they could totally sell exclusive Amiibos at the park.....your welcome Nintendo:P
  18. NMBC1993

    Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.

    Nice work Universal, I'm quite surprised that Nintendo went along with this considering how protective they are of their characters (no Mario in Wreck-It Ralph for example). If I had to guess, Nintendo probably saw the respect Universal paid to J.K. Rowling when creating WWOHP and feels like...
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