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  1. deeevo

    News PHOTOS - Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom to receive enhancements this summer

    Been thinking the same thing but I figured they were waiting for something like this for the 50th
  2. deeevo

    Ticket price increase / FP+ changes coming?

    LOL... I say that every time it goes up but then I am like.... huh..
  3. deeevo

    News Mickey and Minnie are not popular anymore

    I would agree. My 8 year old twins watched an hour of the shorts this morning on D+ before school.
  4. deeevo

    News The Pirates League at Magic Kingdom to close this summer

    I know that is a small space but I wonder if they could ever expand and put in restaurant like Blue Bayou. I mean I have no idea how that would be possible but I think it would be cool.
  5. deeevo

    Can someone please explain this madness

    Yeah, I guess I don't understand why.
  6. deeevo

    Can someone please explain this madness

    I booked a cabin Saturday with my AP rate and I just changed it to my FLA resident discount and saved $300. Even the Sun and Fun rate is better that my AP discount. I just don't understand this logic. It is just a shell game they play.
  7. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    People also pay out tons to hit a little white ball 400 yards into a little round hole. Actually they pay billions a year... Billions with a "B"
  8. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    Same.. when they started it I was shocked how many people bought in but then its the pixie dust syndrome.
  9. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    I have not but I will definitely look into it. I have run Gasparilla the last 4 years but this year I am doing Princess with my wife. I have tried to PR at Gasparilla but it is always so stinking hot. Thanks for the tip.
  10. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    This is motivation for me to run past them yelling " Race ya to the meet and greets!" or " How is paying for moving up a corral spot working out". Wife and I usually do two rD halfs a year and this year we are just doing a 10K. With the room rates hiked up for the races and now this I think we...
  11. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    -The person who is not a fast runner, or did no training, and wants to do character stops and photo opportunities but not get swept. 90% of the Princess runners and 50% of F&W
  12. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    Curious to see the prices released for the 2020 F&W in the coming weeks.
  13. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    I have run 3 races and I am running the Princess 10K with my wife and I noticed the prices of rooms on property have been inflated to ridiculous levels even for Disney's standards and now this. Crazy
  14. deeevo

    Club runDisney is a new membership program offering benefits at runDisney events

    Ridiculous... there is a reason you have proof of time to run in the top corals. I can think of one reason and that is so people don't get run over. This is another example of a money grab from Disney but just like every other money grab they invented people will pay.
  15. deeevo

    DHS Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I am fine with it but they need to run the Skyliner on the same start and end time as the buses would have. Opening at the same time as the park you are going to is ridiculous.
  16. deeevo

    DHS Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Not sure people will be happy with this since the Skyliner doesn't open until 7am. Maybe the hours will change. I decided not to try for the boarding group this morning. To cold and I wanted to sleep. Maybe next weekend.
  17. deeevo

    Passholder survey

    Who said I was angry? Should I not fill out the survey honestly? They sent it to me. I didn't call them and about anything. I spend thousands a year at Disney and on their products. Maybe they want honesty and not a fanboys opinion. I have 4 passes that I am about to renew and maybe they...
  18. deeevo

    Passholder survey

    Lol.. I do just fine financially to have to worry about discounts. People smart with their money evaluate if a large purchase is of value and not their money away. I was brutally honest in that I feel like I am starting to my money away.
  19. deeevo

    Passholder survey

    I hope we all do
  20. deeevo

    Passholder survey

    Just got this in my email. Asked alot of questions about value and my experience as a passholder. Would I be renewing ect.. also wanted me to compare the value of my passes compared to Busch Gardens and Universal. I was brutally honest
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