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  1. Vipor51

    Prince Charming Refurbishment?

    Heading down on May 12 and just curious if the refurbishment on Prince Charming's has been completed?
  2. Vipor51

    DVC Merchandise Discount 20% still?

    Headed down in a couple of weeks and just wanting to confirm that the merch discount in parks is still 20% like last year? I believe they bumped the food discount to 10% but hoping the merch remained at 20%. Thanks for the heads up.
  3. Vipor51

    News PHOTOS - Prince Charming Regal Carrousel behind scrims for refurbishment

    Is this down yet??? LOL. Hopeful that by May 12th the walls come down. ;)
  4. Vipor51

    Enhanced Dining Experience Coming to Be Our Guest Restaurant

    Sorry, bad idea Disney to make this a signature dining restaurant. Kids like cheeseburgers and the overall beauty and the beast theme but as an adult I will go somewhere like Cali Grill for my more intimate dining experience regardless of menu.
  5. Vipor51

    20% DVC Merch Discount?

    Just got back from my 1st trip for the year and yes, the 20% is still valid for Disney property purchases for merch.
  6. Vipor51

    News 'Disney After Hours' ticketed event

    Enjoy the visits everyone!! Get ready to be spoiled!!!
  7. Vipor51

    News 'Disney After Hours' ticketed event

    So we attended last nights after hours and a few things to note. Just FYI we visit 2-3 times annually from IL so yup, we love this place. Pros: shorter waits (there are still 5-10 min lines), popcorn, ice cream, and bottled drinks included is a great perk, ability to move freely between rides...
  8. Vipor51

    News 'Disney After Hours' ticketed event

    I am heading to after hours on the 19th being tomorrow. Anyone know how many tickets sold = sold out?
  9. Vipor51

    20% DVC Merch Discount?

    So our food discount I know was brought back down to 10% but did the 20% merch discount go as well or did it stay? Just curious. Thx!
  10. Vipor51

    Value Ticket to Regular Ticket

    So I purchased a one day MK Value Ticket for Friday Jan 19th and would like to use that ticket to visit EPcot on Jan 20th as we just bought After Hours Tickets for the 19th. The cost of an Epcot Ticket on the 20th is the same cost as the MK Ticket on the 19th. What will I need to do to ensure...
  11. Vipor51

    Daily Trash and Regular Mousekeeping Notification

    So, I just received an email today from DVC indicating that they are adding Daily Trash Service and Regular Mousekeeping Service. Does anyone know if Regular Mousekeeping Service means daily or the usual 4 and 7 day service?
  12. Vipor51

    Problems booking at 7 month window

    I couldn't agree more with the above post.
  13. Vipor51

    Problems booking at 7 month window

    I think in the general terms in which you are asking the right response is that you never know what the avalability will really look like. There are tons of variables here. Just make sure you purchase where you would prefer to stay.
  14. Vipor51


    Last week we got to studios 30 min before rope drop when the rope dropped we ran to get in line and we got the first training of the day. I thought things were going to be way worse. I would go early sign up for the time that works best for you guys and go eat breakfast. I think things will...
  15. Vipor51

    Just stayed in BLT Refurb 2 bedroom

    That is correct, all units at BLT are being refurbished and all should be completed by fall. Also just FYI don't let the "work being done on this resort " messages scare you. We didn't hear a peep our entire trip. We wouldn't have ever known work was being done on the resort of we hadn't seen...
  16. Vipor51

    Just stayed in BLT Refurb 2 bedroom

    My family and I just returned home after staying in a refurbished 2 bedroom villa at BLT. As we all thought curtains, carpet, sleeper chairs, dining table upholstery were refurbished. I have to admit the remodel was great and I liked it, the concept pictures that were circulated earlier...
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