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  1. Alanzo

    News Bob Iger outlines the need to transform the Walt Disney Company resulting in 7000 job losses and $5.5 billion in cost savings

    Who has the best meme that they saw yesterday? Now that everybody is going back to the office, those who remember how to use a printer are allowed to print, in full color, their entry.
  2. Alanzo

    News Bob Iger outlines the need to transform the Walt Disney Company resulting in 7000 job losses and $5.5 billion in cost savings

    At the macro level anyone losing their job is not something to celebrate. No disagreement from me there. I've been fired unjustly and it scarred me so I feel for these employees. And yes, it's disgusting that financial types are celebrating but they'd celebrate news about a Stitch Fart...
  3. Alanzo

    News Bob Iger outlines the need to transform the Walt Disney Company resulting in 7000 job losses and $5.5 billion in cost savings

    Suggesting that the "mainstream" news won't report on things is feeding into the very political idea that there's a conspiracy where the powers that be are controlling what information you receive and that you need to seek out "alternative" news sources or "do your own research" to find the...
  4. Alanzo

    News Bob Iger outlines the need to transform the Walt Disney Company resulting in 7000 job losses and $5.5 billion in cost savings

    Regardless of which positions need to be in person and which don't, the OP's implication was that a bunch of employees were going to now go into the office to show off how useful they are. If management needs to see people in the break room to remember what somebody does, then management needs...
  5. Alanzo

    News Avatar Experience coming to Disneyland Resort

    Flight of Passage, but underwater. Only on the West Coast.
  6. Alanzo

    MK Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    Very excited about this and it seems pretty well thought out, story-wise. It doesn't hurt that my 4 year old daughter LOVES Tiana. Now, can anyone tell me if they are there yet with the construction?
  7. Alanzo

    News Return of the Walt Disney World tram fleet tracker

    I thought mothballed meant "a project we're not working on".
  8. Alanzo

    News Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster closing for refurbishment in February 2023

    Thank you. This ride in particular seems like they have only one track for loading and launch so maybe that's a logistical/operations issue when something goes awry? Haven't been on it since 2018 so maybe not.
  9. Alanzo

    How will Universal's Epic Universe effect Disney?

    I saw Puss in Boots 2 in theatres last week and was really surprised at how high quality of a film it was compared to Disney's Pixar/Animation Studios. It felt right up there , and it was a Puss in Boots sequel! Makes me think that maybe I have been eschewing Universal Studios for too long...
  10. Alanzo

    News Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster closing for refurbishment in February 2023

    What are stacking issues? While this ride is super short it's definitely something valid and fun to do and Genie+-worthy. I wonder how bad this will hurt an already-abysmal selection within that offering.
  11. Alanzo

    Stop Brawling In The Park! You Guys, I'm Serious! Don't Make Me Update The Website!

    Social norms like "try not to be a jerk" have eroded a bit in the last 10 years.
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