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  1. P

    Quarterly Profit down 13%...

    this is why bob iger said tonight on fast money that for all domestic disney parks its pay for 4 nights and get three free or sumthing like that
  2. P

    So we're exactly 3 years away from WDW's 40th. When do they start prepping?

    question...are they ever gonna do anything with the old skybucket buildings? Cause its a really great building with alot of potential and its just taking up space...mabey they could put the Beauty and the Beast dark ride there, instead of eliminating Snow Whites Scary Adventure, if they end up...
  3. P

    So we're exactly 3 years away from WDW's 40th. When do they start prepping?

    thanks man it should be good times ... an yeah wdw def does need to have a preview center again it would def get alot of attention an it would be really cool to see what they are coming up with
  4. P

    So we're exactly 3 years away from WDW's 40th. When do they start prepping?

    ooo i hope they keep that up for a while i'm goin next june
  5. P

    Soarin' movie to change to a global theme?

    it might take them a while to film the whole world plus they also might want to wait to other one isn't as popular an then bam a new film lol
  6. P

    Soarin' movie to change to a global theme?

    on mice age dca project tracker it says that its going to be the soarin over the world theme an it should be open around 2013 so it prob will be around then i think
  7. P

    Space Mountain - Question

    so this stinks that they are cutting back on doing the rehab i know times r hard but wouldn't a rehab sm bring more people to the park?
  8. P

    So we're exactly 3 years away from WDW's 40th. When do they start prepping?

    Are they still going to do the fantasyland referb with the lmr with any ofthat
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