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  1. xxlove

    Old Attractions Inside New Ones

    Hey all! Im fairly new here but I remember reading a while back that portions of the old Food Rocks show were still laying dormant in the Soarin queue... does this still hold true?? an If so, where??? Im OBSESSED with forgotten/abandoned attractions and would love to know about any other...
  2. xxlove

    Expedition Everest effects status watch

    Havent had a chance to read through this post but I have family that just returned from Disney and sai the yet was working again... any truth to this?? Thanks
  3. xxlove

    Old Snow White Scary Adventures Building

    Agreed. i really enjoyed this ride, sad to see it go :arghh:
  4. xxlove

    Old Snow White Scary Adventures Building

    any pics? @Future Imagineer
  5. xxlove

    Old Snow White Scary Adventures Building

    Hey guys! Would anyone happen to have a pic of what the facade/building for the old Snow White ride looks like now? Im curious to see it! Thanks!:):rolleyes:
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